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Please let me know on the OOC board if I spelled anything wrong. I've been kinda overwhelmed with homework and stuff but I make enough time to update! Thankies to me! Thankies to everyone who has joined.. and everyone who will join in the future. Hopefully many many more will join and become active and I'll be able to add more packs to be joined or claimed.. If I updated and missed you please let me know. Some of these names are hard to remember! LoL.

Population (55)
1. Sinana
2. Aurora Borealis
3. Detrlyx
4. Mystery
5. Mist
6. Phantom
7. Twilight
8. Lunar Mist
9. Tempestoso
10. Apocalypse
11. Sienna
12. Death
13. Reef
14. Pass
15. Luka
16. Shadow
17. Orina
18. Galaxy
19. Desire
20. Kalir
21. Predator
22. Autumn
23. Echo
24. Jade
25. Drifter
26. Storm
27. Sitika
28. Caprica
29. Frosty Winter Rose (Winter)
30. Pheonix
31. Quest
32. Storm Call
33. Crystal
34. Dust
35. Tarina
36. Nydia
37. Moonbeam
38. Starlight
39. Tresa
40. Trev
41. Nidalia
42. Franken
43. Papica
44. Mercury
45. Talon
46. Solitude
47. Raven
48. Orion
49. Vampiress
50. Thunder
51. Yoshi
52. Freedomscalling
53. Archer
54. Halo
55. Alatariel

When you join a pack I will put you as a Subordinate(unless you make a good impression on me) or you seem to be a very good addition and I'll automatically put you higher or you've proved yourself as a good helping subordinate. If you've been active for at least two months and you haven't been raised & there is a rank open you will automatically be promoted.

Pack Members & Ranks:

(Main Pack)Moonlit Lake Pack:
Alpha Female: Sinana
Alpha Male:
Alpha Pups: Jade
Beta Female:
Beta Male: Apocalypse
Beta Pups:
Gamma Female: Pass
Gamma Male:
Gamma Pups: Drifter
Delta Female:
Delta Male: Tempestoso
Delta Pups:
Pups: Alatariel

Coldwater Creek Pack:
Alpha Female: Caprica
Alpha Male: Luka
Alpha Pups:
Beta Female:
Beta Male:
Beta Pups:
Gamma Female:
Gamma Male:
Gamma Pups:
Delta Female:
Delta Male:
Delta Pups:
Subordinates: Orina

Whispering Pines Pack:
Alpha Female: Sienna
Alpha Male: Mystery
Alpha Pups: Storm, Dust, Pheonix
Beta Female: Shadow
Beta Male: Galaxy
Beta Pups: Crystal, Papica, Mercury, Talon, Solitude, Orion, Raven
Gamma Female:
Gamma Male: Reef
Gamma Pups:
Delta Female:
Delta Male:
Delta Pups:
Subordinates: Lunar Mist, Mist

Rainfall River Pack:
Alpha Female:
Alpha Male: Detrlyx
Alpha Pups: Trev
Beta Female: Kalir
Beta Male:
Beta Pups:
Gamma Female:
Gamma Male:
Gamma Pups:
Delta Female:
Delta Male:
Delta Pups:
Subordinates: Nydia

1. Predator
2. Autumn
3. Echo
4. Sitika
5. Quest
6. Silence
7. Vampiress
8. Yoshi
9. Tarina
10. Caprica