×tough as nails - jackie gayda×      
This layout and all graphics included unless otherwise stated belong to the se×y half-german bitch. This layout may look like other's layouts, but I combined some of my witty HTML knowledge and rolled this bitch out. So do yourself a favor and fuck off because you're not getting this, but you will get one thing and that will be me paying you a visit in the middle of the night with my lighter and lighter fluid. HAHA! Anyway, this roleplay layout is for entertainment purposes only and is not in any way affiliated with Jackie Gayda, the WWE or OVW. Everything here is for entertainment only and if you are dumb enough to believe it, then hell, maybe I should set you on fire. Now read the freaking roleplay!
48 hours after Downfall. After Jackie Gayda beat Dena Skye exactly as promised. Hell, did she really think she had a chance in blue hell against beating someone as tough as Jackie Gayda? Someone who is tough as nails? Hell no. Now, people have been given second chances at Heatwave this coming Saturday, including Jackie Gayda who will be teaming up with Rowan Trakkar to take on Dena Skye and Jezzabel in a Divas Bra and Panties match. I think we all know what team will prevail in the end...

[Scene One]
[Time: 2:15 PM EST]
[Location: Viking Hall Arena, Philadelphia, PA]

The scene opens up in Jackie Gayda's locker room where she is seen watching a taping of the IWA PPV, Downfall. A smile forms across Jackie's face when she sees the segment of her approaching Kurt Angle in the hallway after his unsuccessful match against Chris Benoit. She lets out a slight sigh as she watches herself slam Kurt Angle against the wall and passionately kiss him. Jackie laughs even more when Kurt pushes her away and walks away with a growing bulge in his wrestling trunks. Suddenly, Bobbi Billard comes into the locker room, carrying an ice-cold glass of Coke with a red straw in it and hands it to Jackie.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Thanks for getting the Coke Bobbi! You know how much I love Coke, especially when it's in a glass bottle. I also want to thank you for actually proving to me you are capable of being my manager and personal assistant, you proved that Sunday night when you came to the ring with me and watched me beat the living hell out of that pathetic bitch, Dena Skye.

×"buxom blonde" Bobbi Billard×
•Smiling• No problem Jackie, I'm here to do my job and that is to help you! Whatever you want, I will make sure to do just that! I was so glad to see you win at Downfall. I mean when others doubted you, I was cheering you on all along.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Huh? What in the hell are you talking about? Last time I checked, nobody doubted me, and I mean nobody and that means you too! What are you trying to do? Tell me that I got lucky? Is that it? Are you trying to say that Dena Skye let me win that match and I didn't do it on my own? Huh? Is that what you're fucking trying to say Bobbi? Tell me now damnit!

×"buxom blonde" Bobbi Billard×
No, no! T-that's not what I m-m-meant Jackie! Honestly! I'm just saying, when people like Kevin Kelly and Mean Gene thought you were speaking too highly of yourself saying you know you had the match in the bag! But you did win and that's all that matters!

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
You're fucking right I won. And that's all that matters. Got that pal? Because if you disrespect me or make me look like a fool, I will end you. Is that clear as crystal?

×"buxom blonde" Bobbi Billard×
Yes, of course it is Jackie. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you look like a fool!

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Good, because I will not be made out to look like a damn fool. Speaking of fools, Dena is truly a damn fool. I mean, I beat her ass fair and square and now she's foolish enough to want to step into the ring with me again Saturday night at Heatwave. Damn, if I beat her silly on Sunday and that was by myself, imagine the annihilation Rowan Trakkar and myself will perform against her and her pathetic partner, Jezzabel. I think everyone in the damn IWA knows which team is walking away that match the winning team. And it sure as hell won't be those two pathetic nobodies, Dena and Jezzabel. Speaking of pathetic, something dawned on me Saturday night before the match. Dena has a very pathetic record. As of then, she had 2 wins and 2 losses, ha! Well now she can add a third loss to that record and might as well go ahead and throw in a fourth one for Heatwave because I know damn well that she is going to lose!

×"buxom blonde" Bobbi Billard×
That's right, because we all know who the dominant team is in that match. You and this Rowan Trakkar girl are going to make Dena and Jezzabel look like fools. Besides, who in the hell is Jezzabel?

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
•Smirking• Good question Bobbi, considering I've never heard of anyone by the name of Jezzabel in my entire life. Isn't that pretty much an insult or something? That's like naming your son "faggot" or something. Oh wait, maybe that's what Shane McMahon and Chris Benoit can name their first-born child. Speaking of them, I wonder if Chris made Shane change his last name, which he probably did. After all, Shane never speaks up for himself, that defenseless, passive, sonofabitch. So now he's probably Shane McMahon-Benoit. Aww, isn't that so damn cute? It makes me sick. But enough talk about Shane, I'm getting sidetracked. Jezzabel, I'm clueless as to who in the hell she is. Obviously, she's a nobody because if she was someone truly worth something in the wrestling world, I would know who she is. And I don't, and it seems like nobody else does either.

×"buxom blonde" Bobbi Billard×
Oh no! Jackie! I forgot to tell you, Jonathan Coachman wants to speak with you in less than 15 minutes! He wants to interview you! I'm sorry that I forgot to tell you!

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Great! There you go, screwing up on the job again Bobbi. Why didn't you fucking tell me I had an interview? Huh? I guess you were too busy strutting around in your plastic stiletto shoes! Damnit! Now I don't know if I have enough time to get into something that will show off my toned and beautiful body! Thanks for nothing you dumbass!

Bobbi continues to apologize to Jackie, but Jackie keeps telling her to shut up and help her get dressed as the scene fades out and into a commercial break.

[Scene Two]
[Time: 2:35 PM EST]
[Location: Viking Hall Arena, Philadelphia, PA]

The scene comes back from a commercial break where Jonathan Coachman is seen standing with a mic in hand in the hallway, glancing at his watch every few minutes and looking down the hallway, as if he is looking for someone. Suddenly, Bobbi Billard comes around the corner, wearing a blue denim halter dress and a pair of black leather knee-high boots with stiletto heels. Her long blonde hair is curled softly at the ends and bounces, right along with her bouncing breasts, as she runs up to Coach.

×"buxom blonde" Bobbi Billard×
Sorry Coach! I know we're late! I'm sorry! But I forgot to tell Jackie that she had an interview at 2:30 and now we're like, five minutes late! Sorry! Jackie will be here any minute from now! She was just changing into something..more comfortable!

×"coach" Jonathan Coachman×
Oh, what do I expect. It's Jackie Gayda, of course. She's fashionably late, I presume!

×"buxom blonde" Bobbi Billard×
Well I don't see what could possibly be taking so long, she was almost ready when I ran out! Knowing how great Jackie is, she probably threw a little extra pizazz into her look! After all, Iam managing someone great, aren't I?

Suddenly, almost as if in slow-motion, Jackie Gayda rounds the corner, strutting and slightly shaking her ass. She looks absolutely stunning in a red vinyl tube top that laces up the back in corset fashion and a pair of matching red vinyl pants that flare at the ankles and a pair of clear stiletto platform shoes. Jackie leans forward and shakes her hair out, to give it a little volume and the cameras get a good look at her cleavage, which is popping out wildly. Jackie then struts up to Bobbi Billard and Jonathan Coachman and smirks at them.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Yes, Iam finally here. Bobbi, you can resume your position against the wall. And for you Coach, you can put your tongue back in your mouth. Got it?

×"coach" Jonathan Coachman×
Well actually Jackie, I was hoping you would include your new manager and personal assitant in this interview. After all, we all want to know why Bobbi Billard is at your side now.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
•Rolling eyes• What did I not say to Gene Okerlund last week that didn't clear the air? Huh? Do you interviewers not fucking pay attention to anything I say or do? I mean, yes, I know you do, because everyone here wants me anyway so that doesn't surprise me one bit. I said that David Flair was out and Bobbi Billard was in. Simple as that. Now Coach, don't go and embarass yourself by asking dumb questions. Got it? And are the cameras rolling yet?

×"coach" Jonathan Coachman×
Yes Jackie, they've been rolling now for about three to five minutes.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Oh that's just great! Perfect! Fantastic! I see you are trying to make me look like a fool aren't you? Because I will not be made out to look like a fool, especially on television! Damnit! Now let's hurry up and you ask your stupid and annoying questions and I'll pretend to be interested. Okay?

×"coach" Jonathan Coachman×
Well Jackie, we all saw you pull off a very impressive win against Dena Skye Sunday night at Downfall. How do you feel about your first victory since you've returned to the IWA?

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Naturally, Iam enthralled. Not that I already knew I was going to pin Dena's shoulders to the mat for the three-count, but I knew I was going to make her suffer. And that's exactly what I did. I didn't stick around long after the match to find out if she was okay, but who really gives talented a damn. Hell, maybe she's stuffed up in a hospital bed back in Atlantic City because I did give her one helluva beating. But it's pretty sad and pathetic at the same time when she decides to go ahead and face me once more this Saturday night at Heatwave with a newcomer, Jezzabel as her partner. Does Dena really think that just because she has a partner this time that she can beat me and a pathetic partner at that? I know that my partner, Rowan Trakkar and I are going to completely dominate that match and that is no lie! After all, I've been paired with someone who seems decent and looks like she is capable of kicking ass even though I don't really know much about her.

×"coach" Jonathan Coachman×
She's only sixteen.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
•Sighing• Sixteen? What the hell is she doing wrestling at that tender age? Shouldn't she be at home, talking on the phone, putting on makeup and flirting with boys? She shouldn't be in a wrestling ring for goodness sake! Damnit, do her parents even give a shit about her? Obviously not or they wouldn't have in the harsh enviroment of the squared circle.

×"coach" Jonathan Coachman×
Well she has been doing her share of flirting with her boys, she just recently got her heart broken by a fellow IWA Superstar, Alex Wilkins. But Rowan seems to be pretty tough and I think she won't let her emotions get in her way during your match this Saturday night.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
She better not! Because the last thing I want to have to put up with before my match is some little girl who is crying and screaming about getting her heart broken by some man old enough to be her father. But hey what the hell, what can I say. That's the IWA for you, always twisted. And that's why I love this place so much! I hope Rowan brings the wrestling skills she has to the table so she and I can beat down Dena Skye and that middle-aged looking prostitute, Jezzabel.

×"coach" Jonathan Coachman×
So Jackie would you have to say that you are ready for this match coming up on Heatwave?

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
D'uh. I'm Jackie Gayda damnit! Why wouldn't I be ready? I was born ready pal. And this Saturday night, Dena Skye is going to get beaten for the fourth time in her pathetic career here at the IWA. Because I refuse to lose. Simple as that. When you're as good as me, losing is simply not an option. Dena might as well go ahead and just throw herself down on the mat and let me pin her as soon as the match starts. Because I really don't have time to be put into these pathetic matches and deal with this juvenile bullshit. Get my drift? I've got better things to do with my time. But I will be a good sport and show up at my match and I will be an even better wrestler and hand out the ass-kicking that needs to be handed out. Dena Skye might as well face the harsh truth that she is simply a pathetic loser that doesn't know a damn thing about wrestling. She's too absorbed by the even more pathetic drama in her life to even do her job correctly. And then she has to go and bring this broad, Jezzabel into the mix. I would really like to know just who in the blue hell this woman is. I've never heard of some kind of whore who wants to actually go and degrade themselves by giving themself a name like Jezzabel. That's pathetic as well! All I have to say is that Rowan and I are going to go into this match with the positive feeling that we are going to win. And I mean we are going to win this match. It's way too late for Dena and Jezzabel to stick up for themselves, considering that they do a pretty pathetic job at that as well.

×"coach" Jonathan Coachman×
So I wanted to ask you something that everyone in the IWA wants to know. What's up with Kurt Angle? And what was up with that kiss you gave him? Everybody has been talking about it?

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Naturally they would. Considering that they don't have anything else better to do but follow me around and that includes you Coach. But I figure when you're as sexy, smart, and talented as me, you might as well give them something to talk about. And that's exactly what I'm doing. Who would've thought that somebody like me would go after somebody like Kurt Angle? The fact that we are both winners is what really draws me to him. You know, Kurt's so talented and wonderful and it's too bad that that toothless queer, Chris Benoit ended up--

Suddenly,Kurt Angle turns the corner and everyone realizes it. Jackie's face lights up when she sees him and a smirk forms across her red, pouty lips when Kurt Angle approaches her. She licks her lips slightly and puts her hands on her hips.

×"olympian" Kurt Angle×
Jackie, just the person I was looking for.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Well well, well! Look who it is! If it isn't Mr. Kurt Angle! How are you Kurt? Feeling better than Sunday night I hope?

×"olympian" Kurt Angle×
Now wait just a darn minute. I was doing fine until after my match when you freaking cornered me.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Look Kurt, don't deny it, you can't hide it. You know damn well you enjoyed the kiss, you enjoyed every bit of it. And if you didn't show it, then your pants certainly did.

×"olympian" Kurt Angle×
•Hangs his head a bit• So sue me for being a male, alright?

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
You obviously did enjoy it Kurt, not only did that growing bulge in your pants give it away. But I can see the look in your eyes now. Face it Kurt, you want me. And you want me bad. Don't you Kurt, don't you? You've never wanted something so bad in your life as much as me, well besides your gold medals. Face the facts Kurt, they're staring you right in the eye.

×"olympian" Kurt Angle×
•Sighing• Is there exactly a point to your ramblings? I have a match to train for against that no good Canadian, Edge.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
You're fucking right there's a point pal. Do you even fucking listen to me? Huh? I mean god Kurt, I've been admiring you now for about a year or two and I finally get the chance to hopefully speak decently with you and this is how you treat me...like crap? I don't think so Kurt. You are not going to walk all over me! You know something, I thought you were smarter than this. I thought you actually lived by your three I's. I guess I was wrong to give you more credit than you deserve.

×"olympian" Kurt Angle×
Wait, you mean I've actually been an idol to someone? This is freaking cool.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Yeah I guess you would think that, right? I said I looked up to you during my promo with that old bag of bones, Mean Gene. I said I followed you and your career and you were an inspiration for me when I won Tough Enough 2. You are a winner Kurt, or at least I thought you were until you went ballistic on me.

×"olympian" Kurt Angle×
Well, that was before I thought you were a darn stalker or something. My apologies.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
•Smirking• You are forgiven Kurt. I just figured that since you are a winner and I'm obviously a winner that we should belong in each other's company. I figured the two of getting to know each other could mean good things coming out of for both of us. There is an advantage to this, you know.

×"olympian" Kurt Angle×
How so?

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
I don't know Kurt, in time you will find out. Patience Kurt, patience. But for right now, I think you should enjoy this ride. Because I sure as hell plan on doing just that.

×"olympian" Kurt Angle×
•SmirkingYou know, you might be on to something. Tell you what, you have a deal.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Then why don't we seal the deal with a handshake and make it official?

×"olympian" Kurt Angle×
Fine by me.

Jackie and Kurt shake hands and smile at each other for a few minutes, both of them looking completely happy with each other. Jackie then leans over and whispers something in Kurt's ear low enough for him to hear and his face turns somewhat red and he begans to blush and gets flustered.

×"olympian" Kurt Angle×
•Coughing• Well...uhh....I....uhh...

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Come on Kurt, turn around and let the world see your fine, plump ass. Don't be ashamed because you look good. Not that you already know how truly sexy you are, but let the world get a good look at your fine ass.

×"olympian" Kurt Angle×
I have a match to get ready for...

Jackie then grabs Kurt and turns him around and pinches him slightly on his ass-cheek. Kurt then quickly turns around, glaring at Jackie and Jackie is cracking up in laughter.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Sorry Kurt, I just had to do it. Don't mind me!

×"olympian" Kurt Angle×
•Under his breath• I'll try not to. •To Jackie• Ok, then, I'll see you around.

×"tough as nails" Jackie Gayda×
Oh Kurt, I'll be seeing you around too. Hopefully sooner than later. And good luck against that pathetic Canadian, Edge. You'll show him how truly great it is to step into the ring with an American at Heatwave!

×"olympian" Kurt Angle×
That's for darn sure.

With that said, Kurt Angle smirks and walks away, leaving Jackie Gayda standing there with a proud look on her face, knowing that she will be getting what she wants.

×"coach" Jonathan Coachman×
Um hello Jackie, are you still with us? Hello?

Jackie pushes past Coach and grabs Bobbi by the arm and the two walk off, Jackie with a dazed and happy look on her face and Bobbi with a large smile on her face as the scene fades out and into black...

Jackie Gayda
Bobbi Billard
Jonathan Coachman
Kurt Angle
Dena Skye


Rowan Trakkar
Shane McMahon
Kurt Angle
W/L/D Record
Tough As Nails
× t o u g h × e n o u g h ×