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Well I guess you could say it started on that rainy Tuesday on March 17th, 1987 when I was born. I lived with my father, mother, and my older brother, Steve, who was 2 at the time. We spent our days living in North Carolina. My parents divorced when i was only 2 which forced my mom, brother, and I to move to Pennsylvania where most of my family lived. We bought an apartment in Baden, while my mom worked two jobs to help support our family. My grandparents were the ones who basically raised us! My mom met up with one of her highschool sweethearts which ended up being my step father later on. He practically saved us from the mess we were in. They married in 1994. Shortly after that I had a little sister, something I have always wanted. A year later they had my brother. Our family was complete! When i was in about 5th grade, my parents told me that we were going to move. I was shocked! I didn't want to leave all my friends behind, but it wasn't my choice. We then packed our bags up and moved to Center Township. Little did I know how unaccepting people would be in that school. I was the typical middle school girl. Had braces, glasses, no hips...basically a put it more simply..a complete dork! People treated me horribly there. I joined the softball team, where i would soon meet my new best friend. From then on things became much easier for me and i made tons of new friends. Soon the braces came off, I got contacts, grew my hair longer, formed those hips and just completely transformed i guess you would say. Now here I am in my senior year of highschool and I couldn't be happier. I have great friends, a wonderful boyfriend, and I play the dream sport of my life, volleyball. I've been playing that for about 6 years now and I couldn't be happier! My young childhood drama finally turned around into my awesome teen years as the woman I am today.