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Symbols of American Pride

A webquest for grades 1-3

Introduction | Task | Process  | Questions | Evaluation  | Conclusion | Resources


Welcome Cybernauts! We live in the best country on earth, the United States of America. Your mission in this webquest is to learn about nine different symbols that stand for our country.


You have been picked as a judge for the Great American Symbols contest. Your mission is to work in teams of 2 or 3 to identify and learn about nine different American symbols. You and your team will then have to decide which symbol is the most important and tell why. Lastly, you will create a Poster of Pride together to show what you have learned about these great symbols.


  1. Your teacher will place you in learning teams with partners from other grade levels.
  2. Each day you will investigate the sites for one of the nine American symbols. You will read the information together and record any important information in your notebook.
  3. You will answer the questions together on the question page that go with your symbol for the day. You will be able to tell which questions go with which symbols by the pictures next to each question. If you can't remember what you learned, go back to the link and reread the information. You may do this as many times as you need to in order to answer the questions.
  4. Each day you will add a picture and three facts for the symbol you learned about to your Poster of Pride.
  5. Finally, your expert knowledge of these symbols will help you and your team to pick the "Most Important American Symbol".
  6. Once you have made your choice as a team, each member will need to add decorations, pictures and phrases, to a patriotic hat to show the American symbol you have picked.
  7. You will wear your hat as your ballot at our open house and be ready to explain why you and your team have selected that symbol.
  8. At our open house, we will tally the ballots to see which symbol is picked as the Most Important American Symbol.
  9. Good luck Cybernauts! Our country is counting on you to make us Proud to be Americans!


Click here for your questions


You will be evaluated on your work skills with others, Poster of Pride, and Most Important symbol hat. There is a Poster of Pride Rubric and a Team Work Rubric. These rubrics are to help you make sure that you have completed all the necessary steps of the Symbols of Pride webquest. Print out these rubrics. Check to make sure you know what is expected of you. Your teacher will use these forms to evaluate your work.


During this webquest, you have learned about many of our great American symbols. You will share your poster with others and then explain why you chose your “Most Important” symbol. Maybe someday you’ll be able to visit these special places.

White House
Flag activity


Sample Webquests

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