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Unlimited Stars Guild Website

Guild Links

Unlimited Stars
Unlimited Stars Donation Shop

Hello! This is the update page for Unlimited Stars (my guild).

GUILD TILL: 14547 Neopoints


**CO-OWNERS Click Here To Apply**
**People to make Guild Banners**
**Donations... Donate at the Unlimited Stars Donation Shop**
**People to write and make the Newpaper**
**People for the Council and the 2nd Council**


~*~*11 Members*~*~
~*~*20 Messages*~*~
~*~*350 Page Views*~*~

1st Council: Some could be co-owners. One puts newbies in their houses. Some could organize events and meetings. Some could supervise meetings. Some could take care of the message board, the calendar, and any guild website. All will have certain admin powers.

2nd Council: Helps out and attends certain guild meetings. Some are given admin powers. holds certain guild events.

I. No one. Click Here To Apply.
II. No one. Click Here To Apply.
III. No one. Click Here To Apply.
IV. No one. Click Here To Apply.
V. No one. Click Here To Apply.

House Points

*Starlix*: ^needs a leader^ ~0 Points~
Other Members: firststarfaerie

*Destiny*: ^leader: bunnystarwishes^ ~400 points~
Other Members: None

*Fantasy*: ^needs a leader^ ~0 Points~
Other Members: sweetbunnyhon

*Naturals*:^needs a leader^ ~0 Points~
Other Members: None

Everyone is automatically put on a chosen team when they first join.

We need leaders! Every 150 points each house gains, each get a scrathcard. When the House Star takes place, the house with the most points wins the Bruce Trophie (utimate prize) and a faerie or codestone for each house member.

To Gain Points

Donate: Every 100 np after 300 np, you will get extra 5 points.
Give Ideas: For every idea given and used, gain 20 points.
Stay In The Guild: For every week you stay, you will gain 25 points for your house.
Referr: For every person you referr to our guild, you will gain 40 points fo your guild.

To Lose Points

Insult: Lose 60 points for every insult. 2 insults and get suspended from the guild.
Copy: Everytime a member catches one copying my work, 45 points will be taken away from your house.

Here's the trophie that the winning house will get for being the House Star:

The House Star will take place May 17th.

That's it for now for the Houses. Please check back for more updates on these houses.

Updates And News

**Jobs?**: I have not thought of any jobs needed yet for this guild, but please join a committee. These are basically like jobs. You get paid for diong certain duties. Please check the new Committee Page.

**Guild Mall Page**: The Guild Mall is now open. To see the page with all the info and names of shops in the mall, click HERE.

**Mascot?**: Go to Guild Poll for which mascot we should have.

**Reffer**: Referr 4 people, get a faerie. 9 people, get a codestone(not Lu). 20 people, a codestone(not Lu), faerie & a Paint Brush.

**Adoption Agency**: Now being adopted, a petpet. A cute Searex. Check out this petpet HERE. Neomail icebluepride of why you would be a good owner for this new petpet. ^No one has gotten this Searex yet^

**New Contests**: Check out the new Survivor Game and the new Contest Page #1. Also, check out Contest Page #2.

**Cheap Trades**: Check out the two cheap trades: Newbie Pax & 1 np Trades and Freebies!

**Weekly GiveAway**: Every Week I randomly choose a member to get a prize. This week's prize is a DARK FAERIE. You don't need to apply for this, just be active and be a member of the guild. (neomail icebluepride if you win)

This Weeks Winner is kingdomfantasyx7!!!

**Daily GiveAway**: Everyday I will giveaway a prize to a random member. (neomail icebluepride if you win) Here's the list:
Sunday: Bean Bag Chair
Monday: Random School Item
Tuesday: Triple the Random Item
Wednesday: Wacky & Weird Item
Thursday: Triple the Random Item
Friday: Faerie
Saturday: Random Faerie Item

Todays Winner is bunnystarwishes!!

**New Weekly LUNCH BOX**: Check the *new* link for the weekly lunch box, given away weekly for any junk item you have to any member. This week's lunch box is:
*Neocola**Spicy Wings**Vanilla Smoothie**Turkey Dinner**Random Chocalate**Random Healthy Food**Omelette**Jelly**Random Treat(s)
Check the tradingpost.


Here, there will be listings of all updates of the Survivor Game.
Get more information Here.
Things like the most recent AC/IM, leaders, tribe records, votes, who won, and thigns like that. Always check here for updates on SURVIVOR!

Right now... The Updates Taking Place Are Who Are Applied...

No one applied yet. 20 more spots OPEN.

This is the Update Section for the Contest Page #1.

REMEMBER: Be sure to check out how to play these games and the information about these contests at the Contest Page #1

Picture Quality: No one has entered yet. Don't be afraid. This contest ends May 23, 2003. Post your picture in our Guild Gallery.

Lottery: Prize Money for RIGHT NOW: 25,000 np and a Starry Paint Brush!!!! yea! Soon to go up! NObody has bought a lottery ticket! Buy your lottery ticket HERE. Remember this contest doesn't end until someone correctly guess the stars(*) in this code: 1*5*4.

Raffle: Win a Two Dubloon Coin. No one has bought a ticket into the raffle. Maybe thats a good sign. Because if you're the only one in the contest than you'll have a better chance at winning! Well, just buy and have a chance to win. Buy your Raffle Ticket HERE. Hurry! I will be choosing the Raffle Winner on May 23rd. Good Luck!

Donations: Competition Right Now Is Low:
bunnystarwishes: 3000 np
kingdomfantasyx7: 1546 np

Donate now by buying something over 300 np at either one of these shops: Here or Here. Or send an item to icebluepride. Win every neopoint you gave back and every item you gave back with an extra One Dubloon Coin.

Creative Writing Contests: Please send icebluepride a neomail of a story/poem/slogan. No one has entered and that gives you a better chance of winning. Just a decent one (doesn't have to be the best) can win. Why not just send something in to get some neopoints? Huh? This is an EASY way of getting neopoints. Please send all your writings in by May 23, 2003 so all writings may be judged.

Treasure Hunt: Oh no!! RedHornsBeauty has lost her.. Green Toy Car! Please find it for her. If you do find one, please send it to icebluepride. Thank you! If you bring it back to her, you will be rewarded with a fine prize.

1st: 599 np + scratchcard
2nd: 399 np + scratchcard
3rd: 199 np + scratchcard
Anyone Else: Scratchcard

Helpful Link: Shop Wizard

Here is the Update Section for Contest Page #2. This is where all the data is put. Thank you for checking.. Here it is!

Stars Battledome Tournament: NO one has entered. To enter, click HERE. Once 10 people have entered, than the matches will be posted. Thank you.

Most Referrals: This contest is going on until May 15th. Let's see who has referred people. Let's see the standings...
kingdomfantasyx7: 1 person
Come on people! Where's the competition?!

QUiggle QUest: This competition ends May 15th. Keep collecting those quiggles!

Sand Bottle Mania: This contest ends May 4th! Would you like to see the competition? Let see..
Hmm.. NO ONE has bought any bottles. Come on people, BUY BUY BUY!
Buy you bottles HERE.

Employment A: Three jobs are open and up for grabs for anyone! If you would like a job, neomail icebluepride saying you want a job. Here are the jobs open:

JOB #1: Retrieve 3 Strawberry Shortcakes.
Reward: 3 Scratchcards

JOB #2: Retrieve 3 Gumball Machines.
Reward: 1000 Neopoints

JOB #3: Retrive 5 Jingly Bells.
Reward: 1005 Neopoints