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Still not convinced that UFO's exist?
This page is dedicated to reporting the truth about the existence of Extraterrestrial life and UFO’s.
I was once a skeptic. Even when I witnessed a UFO in 1971 I still tried to give a rational explanation to the event. You can read more about that in my personal experience section. When you stop and take apart the events that happened in Roswell you will see that our Government went a little bit to far trying to cover up the event of the UFO crash.
Now stop and think about all the new advances in technology in the last fifty years. And then of the last ten years. It seems to me that we have advanced a little too quickly in that given time. I know what you’re thinking. Well if they’re here why don’t they land in a populated area and show themselves. They don’t have to. I believe that they have been in contact with our government since the Roswell crash and have visited our planet since the beginning of time.
You decide for yourself.   Webmaster

                                  UFO NEWS
Go to UFO News Filer's Files is a weekly compilation of UFO related events and stories.
My thanks to George Filer for permission to keep you informed on UFO Gazette.

Go to UFO News Filer's Files Copyright 1998 - 2002 by MUFON EASTERN DIRECTOR all rights reserved.

                               ROSWELL 1947
Go to Roswell Page
One of the most famous stories in 'UFO history' is that in 1947 an alien craft
crashed in the New Mexico desert near Roswell and that civilians arriving at the scene witnessed dead and injured alien bodies.
When the military arrived they captured the craft and aliens and initiated a massive cover-up.

Click here for Sound Contains Sound files and informative video.    Click on Sound or video icons here for sample.   Watch informative video here

                       WASHINGTON 1952 - 2002
Go to UFO'S over Washington Page
1952 (July 19 - August 3): Over three consecutive weekends UFO's buzzed the United States capital's monuments, most notably the White House.
The disks were also seen over the Capital Building and the Pentagon. They were seen from the ground and from control towers at Washington National Airport, Bolling Air Force Base across the Potomac River, and from nearby Andrews Air Force Base.

Fifty years the happened again!
Watch video here! Contains Video files. Click Video to watch here.   Contains Pictures. Click camera for sample.  View sample picture here!

                 Bentwaters/Woodbridge UFO'S 1980

It was just after Christmas 1980, a normally quiet period of inactivity at the twin-base complex of RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge in Suffolk, England. American bases on British soil, they played an important role in NATO's front-line defences. The extraordinary events which were to occur on two separate nights, would soon however dispel that calm and pose one of the UK's most enduring 'UFO' mysteries.
 Contains video files.  Contains Flash files   Contains PDF files    Contains picture files

                                  BOB LAZAR
Go to Lazar Interview KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada has been airing a UFO special during the evening news dealing with the UFO mystery and cover-up. The series, began its coverage with a history of UFOs beginning in the late 1940s and moving forward through the numerous sighting reports to the cattle mutilations, which was aired November 11, 1989. As promised at the close of the show, George Knapp, a news anchorman for Channel 8 in Vegas, stated that a scientific person would be featured on the program who has claimed to work at Area 51, the government's super-secret test range at Nevada Test Site at Mercury, Nevada..

Click here for Sound Contains Sound files. Click on sound icon to listen to Lazar Statement here.

                                  UFO VIDEOS
Go to UFO VIDEO PAGE UFO Gazette offers one of the largest collection of UFO Video's on the net! Here you will find recent UFO footage of events which have been reported on TV and Radio from around the globe. These Movies are in Streaming Real Player™ format and download in seconds. A MUST see.

 In addition to the videos, UFO Gazette has added a UFO Clip page to our video page.

GO TO UFO VIDEO PAGE Contains video files. These Video files are in RealOne Player format and download in seconds.

                                  UFO AUDIO
Go to UFO AUDIO PAGE UFO Gazette offers one of the largest collection of UFO Video's on the net! Check out the UFO AUDIO page.
There are many informative sample audio files to chose from.
From recordings of space shuttle astronauts to reports of alien craft being observed on the moon.
These files are in RealOne Player™ format and load quickly.         A feast for the ears!

Go to UFO AUDIO PAGE Contains sound files. These sound files are in RealOne Player format and download in seconds.

                                CROP CIRCLES
Go to Crop Circles Page Crop Circles are those unique, fanciful designs that seemingly appear overnight in farmers fields all over the world. Many researchers feel that they have identified the origin of these enigmatic, geometric patterns. True, many of them are admittedly done by hoaxers, or some other folks just having a good time.
But can human design be the total source of these creations?

Go to Crop Circles Page  Contains picture files. Formated for clickable blow up inspection.

                             THE MAJESTIC 12
The Top Secret Operation Majestic-12 was established by order of President Harry S. Truman in 1947. Operation Majestic-12, was created to take charge of the technical, sociological and other aspects of the crashed UFOs and the small alien occupants, dead or alive, that were recovered. In later years this operation evolved into and became known as MAJI (the Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence). MAGI is the most secret of all intelligence groups and out-ranks all other intelligence agencies including the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Go to MJ12 Page Contains Majic 12 documents. Also contains Majestic 12 handbook.

                          DISCLOSURE PROJECT
Go to Disclosure Project Page On May 9th, 2001, one of the largest and most successful press conferences in the recent history of the National Press Club was completed. More than 20 military, government and corporate witnesses to unambiguous UFO and extraterrestrial events stated their testimony before millions. This kickoff event for the Campaign for Disclosure was carried by major media world-wide. The event was live webcast, and at 9 a.m. over 250,000 people were waiting on-line for the live press conference to begin. The next biggest webcast event at the National Press Club was less than 25,000. While the first hour of the conference was "electronically jammed" according to the president of ConnectLive, the company that webcasts all National Press Club events, eventually thousands of people around the world were able to watch the event live on-line.
Watch National Press Club press conference on Project Disclosure and UPN Special on Dr. Greer and his work on our Main Video Page or watch below now.

Watch Project Disclosure here Watch Project Disclosure video here. (2hrs,15mins)   Watch video on Dr. Greers work here.   

                              UFO'S IN HISTORY
Reports of UFOs go back further than modern times, and their descriptions are surprisingly similar to those seen today. Interestingly enough, tapestries, frescos, paintings, and petroglyphs show scenes from all periods of history that depict little men with antennae, round flying ships, and startlingly similar looking extraterrestrial beings.

 Flash presentation. Suggested Viewing. Please click on Flash Icon to your left.

                                FACE ON MARS
The "Face" on Mars is a rock formation on the surface of Mars resembling an enormous humanoid face staring straight up into space.
It is about 2.5 km long x 2.0 km wide x 0.4 km tall and is located on a flat plain known as Cydonia Mensae in Mars' northern hemisphere (41 deg. N latitude 9.5 deg. longitude).

Go to Mars Face Page Contains text and picture files.

                             THE KRILL REPORT
In 1988, a person named O. H. Krill published a report that supposedly was trying to summarize the UFO situation and came up with the Krill Report. Most of the people who have read this report feel it is total disinformation, my opinion is that there is some information contained that provides some good perspectives on what is going on. In any case, it is good reading just to stay up on the history of information that is being released.
Because of bandwidth constraints, I have broken the Krill Report into four parts.
They can be viewed by clicking on the links below.

  Krill Report Part 1  Krill Report Part 2  Krill Report Part 3  Krill Report Part 4

 Contains text files that can be viewed here.

                          WEBSITE OF THE MONTH
Each and every month, UFO Gazette will be on the lookout for what we consider the most informative UFO website of the month. It will be featured in this section and also be presented on of our awards. If you would like to nominate a site for our consideration, please email the webmaster with a link, Thank you!  Webmaster.

 This Months winner for October 2002 is.....

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