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Love and Pain
By: Cleopatra Haynes

Nikki- Damn Rell... tell me that's not what you did.
Rell- *looks at the ground*
Nikki- But you love me right? *tears in her eyes*
Rell- Baby you know I love you. How can you ask me that?
Nikki- I came in and you on the bed with some trick... but you gone wonder why I question our love.
Rell- Baby I told you she was drunk and she couldn't drive home.
Nikki- So why didn't you take her home?
Rell- Cause I had been drinking a liitle to.
Nikki- So why didn't Dru take him home?
Rell- Baby he said Neisha wouldn't like it. I knew you'd be WAY more understanding. Maybe I was wrong.
Nikki- Don't you dare try to make me feel guilty.
Rell- Baby I wasn't...
Nikki- Stop calling me baby! You know what.. I can't take this... just stay away for awhile.
Rell- Baby *corrects himself* Nikki I can't believe you acting like this. I didn't touch her. I didn't even think about it.
Nikki walks out quickly trying to stay calm.

Nikki's Point Of Veiw
I can't believe his triflin... I have been kind of distant lately... and I have been making him wait awhile. But he still shouldn't have been with Raqelle... I need to call O. *I take out my cell as I climb into my SUV. I dial Omari's number and wait.*

Rell's P.O.V.
Damn... I don't know what's going on.. I didn't touch that girl... I'm not admitting to something else I didn't do she'll never trust me then... she don't trust menow. If all this was gone happen I should a got with the girl. I walk out into the driveway and Nikki is already gone. *I breathe deeply and call O on my cell.*

Omari's P.O.V.
This girl is ooh man I gotta talk to her. I pull over to the curb and drive real slow next to her.
O- *singing* Scuse me... what's ya name ma?
Girl- *smiling* Alesia.
O- Alesia... that's hot. So where you going?
Alesia- To the mall to meet my girls.
O- It's more of you?!
Alesia- *smiles* Yea.
O- Oh that's nice. So... uh.. you got a boyfriend?
Alesia shakes her head.
O- So you looking for one?
Alesia- Maybe.
O- *laughs a little* So can I get your number?
A- Well... I don't know... you are a stranger.. but you are cute.. and you seem sweet.
O- *smiles* and you know you look good... so how bout it?
Alesia- Well...
My phone rings. It's Nikki on emergency.
O- This my...
Alesia- Girlfriend?
O- *smiles* No my friend. So write your number write here.. I gotta take this call.
She writes her number down and I take off.
O-Sup Nikki? I hope you don't want to know what shirt looks best with yo baby phat jeans again cause that's not an emergency.
Nikki- *crying* Me and Rell aren't talking I came in and he was in the bed this girl and I just left and went to this club and he followed me there. I JUST
O- Whoa... whoa... slow down baby girl. Now take a deep breath. *I hear her breathe in and out* Now who was the girl?
Nikki- Raqelle.
O- Raqelle?! *I yelled louder than I intended to* I'm sorry... what did he say?
Nikki- That they both were drunk and Neisha would be mad if Dru took her home.
O- Well she would be.
Nikki- Yeah but...
O- But you ne.. *it was Rell on my two way. I took my car phone out and called him.*
o- Sup?
Rell- Has Nikki called you yet?
O- Yeah she's on my other phone now. Hold on... Nikki?
Nikki- Yeah?
O- It's Rell he say he loves you and you know he wouldn't purposely hurt you.
Nikki- I know.
O- And he knows you love him.
Nikki- I do.
O- Hold on.. Rell?
Rell- Yeah?
O- She cares about you manand she loves you so much she doesn't want anyone to take you away.
Rell- Aww baby.
O- It's still me. *laughs*
Rell- *laughs* Oh tell her nobody could ever take me away.. tell her to come to my house right now.
O- Alright hold on... Nikki?
Nikki- Yeah?
O- He's nobody could ever take him away... tell her to come to my house right now.
O- Alright hold on. Nikki.
N- Yeah?
He says no one could ever take him away... you're his everything.. he love you girl... he said meet him at his house. *I hear the line click* Hello *laughs* Rell?
Rell- Yeah she coming?
O- You know it.
Rell- Thanks man. *hangs up*

At Rell's House
Nikki pulls up and before she steps on the porch Rell opens the door. She stops in the middle of her step. She looks at him and stands quietly. Rell walks out on the porch and holds her tightly. He pulls her in the house. They sit on the sofa and she puts her head on his chest and cries. He gently wipes away her tears. He kisses her very soft on the forehead. She looks up at him and kisses him on the lips. He smiles and they begin to kiss.

Rell's P.O.V.
Oh man this is it. But, she's so vulnerable right now... I don't know if I should. She opens my shirt and lifts her head so I can kiss her neck. I slid her up and lay on top of her. She opens her legs and I lay in between them. It seems like she wants this to but, she's confused right now.

Nikki's P.O.V.
This is it. It's my first time and I'm scared. What if it hurts to much? I'd better stop but his kisses feel so good. What if he leaves me afterwards? No Rell loves me and I love him. He's unbuttoning my shirt and kissing me. He's rubbing my thighs and kissing my neck. I can feel him up against me. It's so... I think we should stop but I can't.
Rell's P.O.V.
Ooh girl. She so sexy. I don't think she's ready though. If she wants to stop this she better hurry cause in a little while I won't be able to stop. I pull down her jeans and kiss her stomach. She's moaning real soft and breathing real hard. I know I'm breathign hard and my... like a rovk man. I think maybe we ahould stop this cause if she's not ready she might resent me for a long time.

Nikki's P.O.V.
I gotta stop him before it's to late but ooh his hands feel so good and he loves me. So this isn't wrong but what if he's too big? He's kissing the front of my neck and ooh that's my spot. i feel his hands in my underwear.
N- Mmmm... ooh... Rell?
R- Yea baby? *raspy voice*
N- Ooh Rell?
Rell- Yeah baby?
N- I forgot umm...
I have to stop him... ooh... can I stop him?

N- I forget mmm *he starts to pull down my underwear* No Rell!
R- *in his raspy voice* Yeah baby? I mean huh.
N- Stop... you know I love you but I'm not ready for this.
R- *looks disappointed and relieved. He sits up and wipes his face*
N- Baby I know I'm 19 and it's frustrating cause alot of girls would have let you and I want to but... I just
R- Stop. *holds her in his arms* You don't have to explain... it's cool. Whatever you want I'm down you know that. Don't worry about other girls cause I'm not. Baby I'm with you cause you tight da def and cause I love you and just because you not ready doesn't make me love you any less.
N- *smile* Awww baby I love you so much. *I kiss him. He suddenly lets me go and moves away. I'm confused for a minute and then I see he's still "excited".* Aww baby I do dat for you?
R- *blushes and smiles* You know you do that for me girl.
N- *I spent the night just laying in his arms... listening to him breathe.*

Chapter 2
Next Day
Omari- So what's up? You and Nikki back together or what?
Shani- You know they can't stay mad at each other.
R- Was he talking to you?
Shani- Look nig...
O cuts her off by kissing her. Nikki walks in. She sits between O and Rell. She kisses Rell for about twenty seconds and squeezes her butt.
O- Damn... I wish you'd get mad at me so I can get a hello like that.
Nikki breaks the kiss and slaps O just as Shani does.
O and Rell- Damn!
N- Stupid. Ya'll wanna watch Love & Basketball? *walking to the DVD player*
Both- NO!
O- We saw that the last three Saturdays.
Shani- I like that movie.
N- Yeah forget them we seeing it any way.
R- *he gets up and grabs her waist. He pulls her against him.* Come on baby let's watch something else.
N- But I wanna see this please? *She asks as she kisses his ear and puts her thighs between his legs.*
R- Alright.
N- Thank you baby.
She put it in.
O- Dang Rell! *Shani laughing* You weak man.
R- Shut up I like this movie.
Rell lets Nikki walk in front of him. On her way back to the sofa Rell slaps her butt.
R- Mmm girl.
N- *laughing* Stop stupid.
Shani- Shhhh the movies coming on.

Rell's P.O.V.
I'm so tired of this movie but, my baby likes it. My baby looking good. Why she gotta wear that lil skirt though when O is here? O is cool but, I don't like it. She do look good in that skirt. I put my left arm around her and rub on her thighs with my other other hand. They cinnamon-colored and not too thick but not too skinny. That skirt grippin just right. She so sexy! I start rubbing on her inner thigh. She looks at me funny. I go up a little bit. It's okay cause we're under this big quilt she likes. I rub my fingers on the outside of her underwear. I kiss her neck once so Shani and O won't think anything. I slide her under wear back and touched her a little. She smiled but she might be smiling cause Quincy and that chic were rolling around in the grass. (in the movie) I tease her a little and then I slide my middle finger in real slow and then pull it out. She looks at me and I'm about to stop but she opens her legs wider. I smile and slide back in. I sc!
oot closer to her and wrap my other arm around her waist. Then I put it under her skirt and pull her back. I slide it in and out real slow at first. Then I put both my second and middle finger in her. I can tell by her face she liking it. I speed up just a little bit and just for fun I take my fingers out and slide em back in real quick.. not "real" hard though.
N- Ahhh!
O- What's wrong with you?
Shani- Mind your business and finish saying what you were saying.
He continues to whisper in her ear.
N- I just got a cramp in my foot. I need to walk it off so I'm going to the kitchen. I'll make some popcorn while I'm up. You want some O?
O- You know I want some.
N- *she laughs* Alright. You want some baby?
Rell- Yeah. Matter fact I'll come help.

Nikki's P.O.V.
Rell keep touching me. He's coming in the kitchen with me now. I'm loving his touch but I'd be so embarassed if O found out what was going on.
N- Alright come on baby.

Rell's P.O.V.
We walked in the kitchen. She went to the sink and tried to reach up to the cabinets over the sink. I got behind her and got the popcorn down for her. She put a bag of popcorn in the microwave on three minutes. She stood in front of the sink trying to put the box back. I put it back. She tried to turn around but I wouldn't let her. I pressed up against her and rubbed her thighs. I kissed her neck real soft. I touched her breast with my left hand went under her skirt with my right hand. I touched the outside of her under wear and she trembled. I smiled as I went inside her under wear from the top. I slide both my index and middle finger in her easily now cause she was wet. I could hear her breathing so hard as I went under her shirt and touched her bare breast. I know she could feel me rise behind her. I slide my fingers in and out of her.

Omar's P.O.V.
O- *whispering in Shani's ear* You know I love you.
Shani- Yea.
O- You love me?
Shani- You know I do.
O- What you love about me?
Shani- Everything.
O- *laughing* What about this. *kisses her neck* You like it when I do that?
Shani- Yeah.
Omari- *unbuttoing her jeans and rubbing his fingers across the front of her most private part* You like that/
Shani- *giggling* A lil bit.
O- *smiling* Oh a lil bit?
Shani- Yeah.
O- *kisses her lips softly and pats his lap*
Shani- *getting on his lap*
O- Sit on daddy's lap. *wrapping his arms around his waist*
Shani- *laughing* Okay daddy.
O- *kissing her more deeply this time. I pull her jeans just below her hips. She grabs my left hand and slides it under shirt.*
Shani- *smiling and grinding on... "lil O".*
O- Mmm... baby.

Rell's P.O.V.
N- Mmmm
I pick up the speed a lil bit. I backed up a little and had her bend over against the sink. I pushed her back and forth while I played with her. I was getting her used to that feeling. I felt myself getting harder. I could hear the popcorn popping...her moaning a little.
R- You like that baby?
N- Yea baby.
I pushed my fingers up as far as they could go almost as hard as I could. I moved them in big circles.
N- Ah!... mmm. ah!
R- You like that?
N- Mmm... what if they hear?
Rell- do you really care?
N- Mmmm...
I moved my fingers in and out of her. I made her bend all the way over and spread her legs open. I went as fast as I could. I keep rubbing her. She was loving it. The popcorn stopped but I didn't. I was liking this. It wasn't doing much for me but I liked touching her and hearing her moan.
R- Can you say my name baby?
N- Mmmm... mmmm
R- Can you?
I touched her harder and faster.
N- ooh..rell

Shanti's P.O.V.
I didn't plan to have sex with O in their living room.
Shani- O baby.. *he rolled his tongue across my spot*
O- Yeah?
Shani- Nothing.
He stood me up and pulled my jeans to my ankles. I licked my lips and stood over him. Just as I was about to bump that....

Omari, Shani, Nikki, & Rell's P.o.v.
Who da fu....