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Welcome to the Home of Girl Scout Troop 814
||| The Guestbook ||| Pictures ||| Random Goodness|||

"The most important skill to aquire is learning how to learn." ~John Naisbitt, futurist

"To travel is not better, but it is all that we can do." ~Joan Aiken, author


October 31: Happy Halloween!!! Three months to the day..I be good! November is a busy month for us. I think we need to have pop can drive/fundraiser of some sort AND to do a service project. Anyone have any ideas for either? Email/call/talk to me sometime. PS Angie and I rocked the world with the ACT test last weekend! You rock girl!! PPS Send me your senior quotes!

Aug 31: Yay for free time...I won't have much soon though...hope everyone got the info for the first meeting...its posted below...Anyone for the Gold Award??

Upcoming Stuff

November 4:Meeting...7pm at Karen's...any ideas for stuff?

November 11:Roller Skating!! Meet at 6pm at Karen's to carpool..?

November 18:Meeting...7pm at Karen's...any ideas?