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How it all started.....

Raised in the wilds of deepest South Yorkshire by a pack of Elvis impersonating wolves, Gavin Rafferty soon developed quite a talent for hitting the natives with monkey bones.  So much so in fact, that they all chipped in to buy him a drum kit and the monkeys, never ones to miss a good idea when they spot one, bought him some sticks.  Thus was born an association that continues to this day (him playing the drums that is, not stick-buying monkeys).  Now playing with the Agents, some bands are formed with drummers, some achieve drummers and others have drummers thrust upon them.  It remains unclear what happened to us.

Charming, handsome, charismatic, modest. These are all words that Daniel Wildey can spell.  Widely credited in his village with discovering fire, he once defended a small Scandinavian outpost from an army of three-legged donkeys armed only with a toothpick and a wet flannel.  Hailed as a hero, he was presented with a bass guitar in recognition of his bravery.  A bass guitar that he still plays to this day, in this band.  Cooler than a cucumber in a polar bear’s fridge, he is the master of deceit, the tower of power, the stack of cack.  He loves bacon.

Born in 1978 to a standing ovation, Daniel Edward Bowater asked Father Christmas for a keyboard when he was seven years old and the old fella came through with the goods.  Having spent Christmas morning teaching himself to play ‘Silent Night’, this tinkling business developed into quite an obsession.  Earnt his place in local folklore by banishing from Rotherham the Evil Badger of Bramley recently linked to Al Qaeda or Ikea or something.

The only person to win the York District Donkey’s Hind Leg Talking Championship three years running, Kate (short for Maria) Lohan is rarely quiet.  She began singing after ruling out brain surgery and rocket science as less challenging career options.  Sacked from her job at the dog obedience school after all the dogs she was training to go without food died mysteriously, she began writing songs and the rest is history.  Ladies and gentlemen, these are the Agents, the best band you’ve never heard of.