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1. Stand erect, face (N), feet together.
2. Move the left foot to shoulder-width apart and equalize your body weight.
3. Both arms hang naturally by your sides (palms face the thighs).
4. Turn both palms to face backward (S).
5. Raise both arms to shoulder height, keeping them shoulder-width apart (palms downward - fingers pointing forward).
6. Bend the elbows slightly and move the hands inward toward each shoulder and then lower the arms to the front of the thighs (both palms downward and fingers pointing N).
7. Bend the knees slightly when you lower the arms.



1. Shift your body weight into the left leg. Turn the right foot (pivot on the heel) until the right toes point (E).
2. Raise the right hand (palm down) to the right shoulder.
3. Scoop the left hand (palm up) in a curve to the right side of the body, and stop underneath the right hand - hold a large ball vertically on your right hip.
4. Shift your body weight into the right leg and the left foot come up onto its toes.
5. Step (N) with the left foot and shift 70% of your body weight into the left leg.
6. Raise the left arm in a curve to shoulder level, left palm is almost horizontal and the left wrist is centre-line to the body.
7. Move the right hand forward horizontally to brush across the left hand (one inch apart) The right arm (palm down) falls in a curve coming to rest beside the right thigh.






1. Shift your body weight into the left right foot come up onto its toes.
2. Turn the left palm over so that it faces downward, turn the right palm over so that it faces upward.
3. Move the left hand closer to the left shoulder.
4. Scoop the right hand (palm upward) and position under the left hand - hold a large ball vertically on your left hip.
5. Turn the right knee to the (E) and pivot on the right toes, step with the right foot to the (E) and shift 70% of your body weight into the right leg.
6. Raise the right arm in a curve to shoulder level, right palm is almost horizontal and the right wrist is centre-line to the body.
7. Move the left hand forward horizontally to brush across the right hand (one inch apart).
8. Turn the right palm toward the chest and level the right arm (shoulder height) horizontal to the floor.
9. Move the left hand back toward the chest along the body centre-line, keep the left elbow close to your side. The left palm faces outward and fingers point upward -hold a large ball horizontally in front of your chest.






1. Shift your body weight into the left leg.
2. Pivot on the right heel and turn the upper body and hips to the right (SE).
3. Withdraw the right hand (palm down) back to the right shoulder.
4. Lower the left hand (palm up) underneath the right hand - hold a large ball vertically on your right hip.





1. Pivot on the right heel and turn the upper body counter-clockwise to face (NW), sink slightly through the knees.
2. Pivot on the left heel (toes point NW) and begin to raise the left arm diagonally across the chest until shoulder height, and turn the left palm outward.
3. Keep the right hand at shoulder height and turn the right palm outward.
4. Shift 70% of your body weight into the left leg and push both hands toward (NW) at shoulder height.
5. Bring the right toes closer to the left heel and turn both palms to face each other (hold a large ball horizontally in front of your chest).
6. Turn the right knee to the (E) and pivot on the right toes, step with the right foot to the (E) and shift 70% of your body weight into the right leg.
7. Move the palm of the left hand toward the lower right forearm and lightly touch the right wrist.
8. Press the left palm forward and slightly upward by the strength in the rear leg.





1. Slide the left hand over the back of the right hand. Separate your hands by stretching the arms forward in front of the shoulders (palms down, fingers pointing E).
2. Shift your body weight into the left leg.
3. Raise both arms (shoulder width) and circle backward to chest level (keep elbows close to the body).
4. Shift 70'-. of your body weight forward into the right leg.
5. Push forward and slightly diagonally upward with the arms. The arms remain at shoulder width and are kept slightly bent. Palms remain facing forward and the fingers pointing upward.





1. Shift your body weight into the left leg and turn the right heel so that the right toes point (N).
2. Both arms remain parallel at shoulder height (elbows slightly bent and palms down). Turn the upper body (NW) as far as possible.
3. Extend all finger tips (NW) with both palms facing each other.
4. Shift your body weight into the right leg.
5. Move the left toes toward, and slightly behind, the right heel.
6. Withdraw both hands to the right side of the body. The right hand forms a hook (fingers pinched together) at shoulder height (elbow below the wrist level), the left arm falls in a curve (palm up) to the right hip.
7. Turn the upper body to face (NE).
8. Extend the right hook (shoulder height) to (NE).
9. Raise the left hand to the right shoulder (palm facing the shoulder).
10. Turn the upper body to face (W) by pivoting on the left toes.
11. Move the left hand to the left shoulder, continue pushing outward with your left hand inward) at chest level and parallel to the body turn. 12. Step (W) with the left foot and shift 70% of body weight into the left leg.
13. Turn the left palm outward (away from your body) you extend the left arm (W) . The eyes look out over fingers.
14. Keep the right hand (hook) slightly behind a point at ear level height.






1. Shift your body weight into your right leg.
2. Pivot on the left heel and turn the body to face (N)
3. Open the right hand and move both arms (palms facing each other) in toward the head, stopping in front of each temple.
4. Shift your body weight into the left leg.
5. Lower both arms (palms facing) down the centre of the body toward the thighs.
6. Raise the right leg until the thigh is parallel to the floor (right toes hang directly below the right knee).
7. Raise both arms up slightly.
8. Extend the right arm (shoulder width and waist level) to (N).
9. Extend the left arm (shoulder width and waist level) to (N), stop when the left hand is directly opposite the right elbow.
10. Lower the right foot (N) onto its heel (bearing no body weight).






1 . Pivot the right foot (on its heel) to the left and then shift your body weight into the right leg.
2. Step (W) with the left foot and shift 70% of your body weight into the left leg.
3. Place the right toes near the left heel.
4. Move both hands to hold a large ball vertically on your left hip - left hand (palm down) at shoulder level, right hand (palm up) at hip level.
5. Step (N) with the right foot and shift 70% of your body weight into the right leg.
6. Extend the right arm to a position just outward of the right knee.
7. Push the left hand diagonally downward across the chest area (palm facing N) into the right lower arm.
8. Lean forward (N) slightly 'with the right shoulder.






1. Keep your body weight in the right leg. Move the left toes closer to the right heel. Pivot on the left toes and turn the upper body to face (W).
2. Turn the left hand over (palm up). Circle both arms outward and upward (leading with the back of each hand).
3. Simultaneously, raise the body slightly and lift the left leg until the thigh is parallel to the floor (left toes hang directly below the left knee).
4. Stop the right hand approximately four inches from the right temple and rotate the hand until the palm faces forward (W).
5. Stop the left hand at a point outside the left thigh, turn the palm down and fingers point (W).
6. Sink your body weight into the supporting right leg and lower the left foot (toes only touching the floor) twelve inches forward (W) of the right foot. The hips, shoulders and the head all face (W).


