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[(.::*mAi hOmEPaGe*::.)]

HeY..wELkUm tEw mAi sItE hAha HoPe yOoH liKe iT!!

hEy dErE*~!! lOL..i nOe iTz cRaPPY bUt iTz nOt mAi fAUlt...=/ hAhA lOoK aRoUnD..i sPeNt a LoNg tImE On dIz..aNd PleAsE tAG mAi gBoOkIe aNd tAke mAi poLL..tHnXx

LuB aLwAIz,


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i wAnT tO waTcH tHe RiNG.............. aT