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mAi HoMe PaGe!!!

-!- Pink Web Layout -!-

WhErE tO gO?

_ HoMe
_ mAi BeStEsT fRiEnDs
_ ShOuT 2 mAi GuYz!
_ ShOuT 2 mAi GurLz!
_ cUtE sTuFf!
_ oThEr FriEnDs

hOmE pAgE!
WeLcOmE tO mAi PaGe...TaKe a LoOk ArOuNd AnD dOnT 4gEt 2 cHeCk ThE sHoUtOuTz PaGe!

"You know a delta nu would never sleep with a man who wears a thong...I just like watching him clean the filter!" - Leagally Blonde