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Chanda's web page

HEY my name is Chanda i live in Winnipeg MB and my Best friends name is LISA you might have seen her sight check it out AFTER MINE lol jk but ya lisa is my best friend we have been best friends since the begining of this year we love each other daerly lol she has a boyfriend they have been going out on and off for about 2 years now yicks thats long lol anyways about me what do i look like well i have diry blond hair and well lol get this blue green abd grey eyes they change color i think personaly that is cool lol well im 5'6 and i love to play base ball and soccer

heres a poem i wrote all by myself well one of them at least heehee well here you go read on


Death it's painful and sorrow
it can be sudden or expected
sad and lonley tears and pain
never knowing
how much you really love them
until there gone forever
never will they come back
never will you be able to say those 3 last words that mean so much to people

Chanda Gramada

yeah i like to write poems like that most of the poems i write are sad or about death. Very few are happy but some are so thats ok lol.

Well now im going to talk about my friend lisa and her bf