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!*!Hey PEoPle WellZ I'm JusT ChillIN here DreaDin GOin TO skool tomorrw. I swEar This SumMer SucKs ACe!! But AnyWAYs I'm ReallY Excited thAt I'm FInaLLy Going TO gET My Web PAge FINaLLy WOrKing WEll I tHink i'll Go tO bEd Now NIGHT!! xoxo Ash

ALright Well I to go to my moms this weekend and see my aunt and Cuz go back to Fla and we took my Brother to Hooters for his 14th Bday that was intresting.Right now im putting the links to my pages down there were it says linx ( go figure ) hopefully i'll have that up by tonight!
xoxo Ash
