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Little sign lamp, circa 1900

Manfacturer: Unknown
Lamp: Antique Carbon Filament
Wattage: Unknown
Voltage: 120
Bulb: S-14
Finish: Clear
Base: E-26s Brass Medium Base w/ Porcalein insulation
Class: A
Filament: Triple Loop w/ no support
Lamp Life: 1000 hours
Manf. Date: 1900
Country of Orgin: USA

This vintage little sign lamp has the porcalein insulated brass Edison base, which was a feature on late 1899-1900 lamps. In 1901 manfacturers started using black glass insulation on the bases, which is still in use to this day. The reason for the change is because porcalein insulated bases were difficult to make, so mass production was not feasible. The glass insulation solved the problem. Today, porcalein insulated lamps are highly sought by lamp collectors and are valuable collectibles.

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