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STI: StarTrek Info






Enterprise is the newest Startrek series to come out in only it second season it have have had many connaon issues(like the Ferengi) But we have also had many surpirse along the way and if the first two seaon are any indication thew this should be a great series and namesake of Startrek. Enterprise takes place 100 years before the original series. in this time ther is no Federation, and they have not heard of many race that we saw in the origanial series. The technology is not as advance as it is in any anyother Trek series even those it dose look better then the orignal series.

The Orignal Series

The orignal series was probaly one of the best series to ever hit television at that time. Startrek was the name of the orignal series and it didn't have to worry about being connaon cause it was setting the rules for all other Trek series to come after it(even though some of the series didn't follow cannon). Kirk and crew made the unbeliveable very belivable every episode it had great writting and great special effects(for that time). With having 6 movies of the orignal cast and and great series when most people think of Startrek they think of this sereis which introduced alot of the major races to the whole startrek Universe.

The Next Generation

What can i say about TNG(The Next Generation) it was the second best series to come on the air. In the second installment of the Startrek T.V series they decide to go to the furture with it it was now 85 years after Kirk in the orignal Enterprise(NCC 1701 not NX-01)that we see the NCC 1701-D USS.Enterprise-D make it first apperance( at this time no one know what happen to B or C but we would find out letter in the series). The crew of the Enterprise-D kept the tadiation of the orignal Enterprise and made the unbelivable very beliveable every episode. With 3 movies alrady and a 4th one on the way TNG will go down in the book as the second best series of Startrek.


DS9 take place in the same time line as TNG(The Next Generation). The had ther cheif enginer come off the Eneterpirse-D(he use to be a transporter chief). DS9 could of been better but the whole series was about war(The Bajoran and Cardissan War, the Kiligon and Cardiassan War, and the Domion War against all of the Alpha Quardent except for the Cardissans). The had great special effects and all, but that don't make make up for it novle base story line.


This series 4 in line is based in the Delta Quarderent(which to me seem kinda stupid but ohh well what r u going to do)and they spend 7 seasons trying to get home and when they finally get home it is because they kilt the Borg(which to be seem kinda convient seeming how earlier we saw that 50 ships couldn't even destory one Cube with out having half of those ships destory). The story line made no sense at all half the time and the other half it wasn't even a good story. who ever wrote Voyager should of check his facts about the Startrek universe.

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