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sYaZa`z HoMe PaGe

ThiNgs aBoUt mE

My Favorite Web Sites

All you ever wanted to know about the band!
Here you can find almost every song.
A cool site. Where all the coolest ringtones are there!
The site for the MTV channel. Quite cool.

ThAnKz FoR ViSiTiNg mY wEbSiTe @ angelfire. HoPe YoU CaN aLL cOmE aGaiN aS tHiS wEbSiTe iS nOt qUiTe ReAdY YeT...So i'LL MaKe SuRe iT wOuLd bE cOoLeR bY tHe NeXt TiMe YoU cOmE aGain

~ Syaza ~
