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My PiCs

WeLL hErE's My PiCs...ChEcK tHeM N i'LL tRy 2 KeEp AdDiNg. <bgsound src="" loop="infinite">


.:Me:.*N*.:ChRiStiNe:. .:ChAnTeL:.*N*.:mE:. me n my big sis kimi! me n kai *7Th GrAdE...bAcK rOw L2R...ChRiStiNa,HaU'oLi(SiStA dAt LeFt Us 4 KaM),jAsMiNe,N JeNi...FrOnT rOw L2R...KiMi,Me,N LaUrEn Y.* L2R..mE.LaWee.ChAnTeL *LaUrY*n*aShY* *mE*n*BaBy CuZiN CiArRa* *mE*n*cOrEy* *LaWee*n*mE* *jV tEaM...MiNuS kELs n JoAnNa*[L2R...bOtToM-.sTaCeY.jEn*aka J.hO*...tOp-.mE*aka PiKaChU*.MaLiNa*aka GoLdY*.LaUrEn*LaWee...aka VeGaS*.aMaNdA*aka cUbS.jEsS*aka J mAmA*...ya we got nicknames 4 each other ok... gHeTtOnEsS-MaRiSsA.cOrEy.kAi.Me[LaFfiNgMyAsSoFf] *mE*.n BiG SiS.*KiMi* .ChRiStiNe.RoBeRtA.aLaN.cOrEy. .LiNdSeY.mE.mAeGaN.LaUrEn(Y). .:cHeLsEa*mE*-n-*tRiSh:. *LySsY*mE*LaWee* mokie n mokis! aww rnt we cute! hehe *MoKiSeS n KaYi* some smoochies from juju n me! boys r cows! dah tahitian! channy whata cutie! another cutie...corey! that was a monkey thing we did in 8th grade! lol banana! trish, juju, n kristen mE n hAu'oLi *tWiNs!* omg check out the face paint...all the work of corey n lauren. hehe after the homecoming game against damien! isnt she the cutest baby ever? i love ciarra. heath workin it on the pony. can't forget the heels too. me and ciarra.