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:::Happy February in Ohio:::

WOW! I can't remember the last time I worked on a website at all. it feels like years. I'm going to try to do updates and rekindle my old hobbie, but I'm not making any promises. For now, this is just a wish me happy blogging. Ohio is having a heat wave...mid 50's, despite our governor YSU will have yet another tuition increase, my cousin (though home for one month on leave)will be returning to Iraq the end of this month thanks to our president the anti-christ, and American Idol is still introducing us to performers,no wait I'm sorry, amatures, who are nothing compared to music majors at YSU. What a wonderful screwed up world.
DO:::watch Sarah McLachlin's new video
DON'T:::listen to uneducated Ying-Yang Twins

design by imbri.