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Dogs & Puppies

             HELLO! WELCOME TO MY WEBPAGE!  I am Kelsey.
Dogs and puppies are loving, sweet, fun, and adorable creatures who love attention and need to play.
Some can be more aggressive than others or have different preferences because they are all their own person.



There are many colors and tons of breeds of dogs. There are colors of dogs from white, brown, black, gray, tan, all the way to blue. There are also dogs with patters as in spots, big patches, mixed colors, swirled and lots more. 


All differebnt breeds have different traits bread into them. How they do that is when breeders want to breed two dogs they look at the traits of the father and of the mother and when the puppies are born, some of the mom's and some of the dad's traits are in the puppies.  Breeds are very different. Some shed some dont. Some are bigger and some or tiny. There are hundreds of breeds. 


Some dogs can be shown for prizes. A very honored awars is Best In Show. That means it's the best dog that was in that show at that time. Puppies can be shown too but they have to be a certain age. When you win awards, most of the times they are ribbons, but other times they can be trophys for very honored and high awards and money can also be for winning a show. They usually have a 1st 2nd and 3rd place. If you want to spend time and like to be with your little baby, I wouldn't suggest starting and teaining you dog for shows because he/she will not be with you too often because he will be with his shower.


Dogs and puppies love to play and need bones to chew on. You can buy your dog or puppy a various amount of  bones. Rawhide bones are best for your K-9 friend. They taste good, digest easily, and come in flavors like...vanillia, beef, peanut butter, and tons more. Dog owners DO NOT GET YOUR DOG A REAL BONE!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU DO... IT USUALLY WILL BE VERY BAD FOR THEIR HEALTH! You see, it tears up their insides, unlike a rawhide bone. My aunt's beagle got very very sick from a real done and threw up a lot and almost had to have surgery to fix her  insides back up! There is another kind of bone that is safe yet tasty for your little friend. They are called eatibles. They are also easily digested and tase very good. These come in more flavors like...strawberry, watermelon, potato, peanut butter, banana, mint (to freshen breath), orange, bacon and eggs, cheeseburger, cheese, and a few more. But remember this about the eatibles, they can stain your furry friend's fur for a few days because of the color, so I suggest that you tie your dogs ears up, if they are long and would get in the way, with a loose hairband so it won't get in it's ears. It isn't pleasant to comb out! My little poodle loves them and he looks like a girl when we put his ears up, but he likes not having to have it combed out.


There are many toys to choose from for your little hunny. You can get rubber ones, plush ones, and about anything you can think of. My puppy likes the Buster Cube the best! It's a plastic cube with a small hole in it that can be filled with food. Then once you put food in it, you put your finger in the hole or put your hand on top of it and shake it up! There is a maze inside of the cube and your dog will push it around and knock the food out! Another very useful toy is the Kong. It's a cone shape and you put some biscuits and treats in it. In my house, it is used for when I have to go out, I put Charlie in a big fence with a Vari Kennel inside then give him the Kong and close the fence. If your dog id strong like mine is, you might want to put a chair by the opening to lock it up in a way. That's what I do and it works great! Be careful about the pluch toys and toys with squeakers! If your dog is an aggressive chewer, like my puppy, Charlie, they won't last you too long. Charlie rips the fuzz out of the inside of the pluch toys and it could cause a blockage and could lead to an operation. He also rips the squeakers out of them and could choke. But just about anything else would be okay for your little bundle of joy!


To housebreak your K-9, you can do 1 of 2 things. 1, you can paper train him/her. I did this with Charlie and it works well. What you do is, when your dog starts to go to the bathroom somewhere you don't want him to, pick him up and put him on some papers. Papers you can but at almost any pet store. But they are not writing paper! They are bigger, disposible, and made out of different material. And when he/she goes, give them a treat and say "GOOD PAPERS!" and act very very pleased with your dog! Soon enough, they will learn it gets treats when it goes to the bathroom there or here. And continue giving it treats when it goes and leave papers in its little area when you leave and when you are home. Like Charlie does now, he will just get up and go when ever he has to. He still gets treats and will scrape the floor when he goes to tell us that he needs his treat! I reccomend that you first do paper training then if you want to go into outside training. So in the winter, your doggie won't have to get his/her little pads cold and have freezing snow on their fur,you can use the inside papers. In the summer you can take them outside to go potty. To outside train your doggie, take its poop or soak up some of its pee on a tissure or paper towl and put it outside, then take it outside and let it sniff around to show it that that is where that is supposed to go. Then when they do go potty outside, praise them soooooooooooooooooooo very much so they get the right idea.