- ThE mOst GoRgEoUs gUy cOuLd bE tHe UgLiEsT oN tHa InSidE -
..aNd tHe mOst UnAtTrAcTiVe gUy cOuLd bE gOrgEoUs On tHa iNsiDe..

WeLL mY LiFe iSnT PeRfEcT
ReALLi WhOs iS?
BuT I GuEsS I CaN sAy thAt
ONe PaRt oF iT * iS *
YoU MaKe iT WoRtH LiViNg
ANd YoU MaDe mE SeE
YoUrE tHe BeSt PaRt oF LiFe
ANd tHe BeSt PaRt oF *mE*

If You Are Meant to be Together Forever, You Will Survive Any Obstacle or Trouble that Comes to You.

If you cant get someone off your mind,
chances are, they're suppose to be there

Do what your heart tells u 2...& never regret anything that happens

KiSsEs DoNt MeAn AnYtHiNg
*UnTiLL yOuR iN LoVe*

*Love is the feeling of *truth* in your heart when he says he'll love you forever*

~*Love me NoW or Love me NeVa
but if your gunna LoVe me,
~*Love me FoReVeR*~

FoReVeR i wiLL *LoVe* you
YeT To LoVe yOu MaKeS Me *CrY*
So FoReVeR I WiLL LoVe YoU
& FoReVeR i sHaLL CrY

*LoVe* me when i LeAsT deserve it
..Because that is when i NeEd it *most*
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