If I were an angel i'd give you my wings...
Just so you could fly everywhere looking for the girl who'd make your heart sing.
If I were a princess I'd give you my crown...
Just so you could have a kingdom to search for the one who'd keep you from being down.
If I were the sandman I'd make all your dreams come true...
Just so the girl of your dreams could be with you.
If I were a magician I'd give you my wand...
Just so she could magically appear to love and keep you strong.
If I were a fairy I'd give you my magic dust...
Just so you could sprinkle it and find the one worthy of your trust.
If I were a shooting star I'd make all your wishes come true...
But I'm not...I'm just a girl IN LOVE with YOU!

Stressin an obsessin..that aint my style..im just lookin 4 sumone to make me smile weneva i wana smile i know exactly wat to do i jus close my eyes n i think of u!

You can fall from the sky. You can fall from a tree. But the best way to fall is in love with me!

Ur My AnGeL fRoM uP aBoVe
i WaS sHoT bY uR aRRoW -n- NoW iM iN LoVe
WiT a ThOuSaNd StArS aLL iN tHe SkY
My FaVoRiTeS r ThE oNeS tHaT sPaRkLe iN uR eYes
u'LL hAvE mY hEaRt FoReVeR wiTh aLL mY LoVe
WeRe MeAnT tO bE 2gEtHeR

I dont regret the things i have done
or the things i have chosen not 2 do
b cuz wat eva i've done, i must have done sumthin rite
B cuz i ended up with u

I don't regret the rain, or the nights i felt the pain, or the tears i had to cry some of those times along the way, every road i had to take, every time my heart would break, it was just something that i had to get through to get to you.

LuV hApPeNs WhEn YoU sToP lookIng fOr It...

*Why do i always put up with everything you do, you hurt me so much but yet i still love you, it pisses me off when i think it all through and realize i always fall for you, but i feel your someone special and i just cant stop loving you*

^:^WheN it ComEs tO reLatIonShiPs,
dOn't Be tHe pErsOn wHo hAs tO loOk bAck
And WonDer WhaT thEy cOulD've Had.
ForGet AboUt tHe rIsk And TakE thE faLL.
if It'S reAllY loVe, iT's wOrtH it All^:^

ThInKiN oF yOu BrInGz a SmILe tO mY fAcE*
*DrEaMiN oF yOu mAkEs mY hEaRt rAcE*
*TaKiN tO yOu MaKeZ mE wAnT yOu EvEN mOrE*
*..BuT bEiN wIth YoU..*
*-iS wHaT i LiVe FoR-*
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