The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

*:*I DoNt GotTa LiSt ThEm
ThEy KnO WhO ThEy BeE
My GrLz n GuYz- I LoVe ThEm
*ThEy MeAn ThE wOrLd ToO MeE*:*

Smiles and tears- Giggles and laughs
Late night phone calls & cute photographs
I'll be there for you till the day of my death
BeSt FrIeNdS 4-EvEr tIlL My VeRy LaSt BrEaTh

A best friend is someone who knows everything about you and still manages to like you anyways

100 memories, 200 jokes, 300 great times, 400 secrets, 1 reason.. *BESTFRIENDS*

Cross ur hart & hope 2 die
Clothez & makeup Boys & lies
4 eva dere till da end
Definition of:Tru Best Friendz

*CrAzy NiTes - iNsAnE gRoOVeS*
*BlAzIn ClOtHeS - SeXy MoVeS*
*NeVa FaKe - AlWaYs TrUe*
tO aLL mY FriEnDz - i LoVe U<3*

We may fight, and we may cry, but out friendship will never die, i'll care for u until the end, b cuz u r my best friend

YoU gUyZ aRe ThErE tO GiVe mE aDvIcE
To BaCk mE uP wHeN tHeY sTaRt To FiGhT
FoNe cOnVeRsAtiOnS ruNniN LaTe aT NiGhT
uR fOrEvA mY gIrLs & FoReVa sO rIgHt

*.fRiEnDs tRy tO PrOVe Ur Not A ReTaRdEd psYcHopAtH.*
*.BeSt FrIendS JuSs sHarE thE rEtArdEdNesS wItH yOu.*

~ True friends are the only people you can actually trust with your deepest darkest secrets and know for a fact that they will be the only people that will ever know that secret...because they can keep it a secret for a lifetime ~
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