WhEn Ur HoPeLeSsLy In LoVe n Ur SuRe U tHiNk ItS tRuE*
*WhEn HeS aLL uR tHiNkIn Of WhEn ThErEs nUtTiN eLsE 2 dO*
*Do UrSeLf A fAvOr n ThInK tHe wHoLe ThInG tHrU*
*..AsK uReSeLf A qUeStIoN..*
*iS hE tHiNkIn Of U*

If you cant get someone off your mind, chances are, they're suppose to be there

/ boy this is killin me |
/ were perfect fo each otha |
/ why can't u juss realize |
/ were meant to be with one anotha |

YoU'LL nEvEr ReaLiZe HoW mUcH yOu LoVe a GuY
UnTiL tHe ThOUGhT oF hIm bEiNG wItH sOmEoNE eLsE
iS eNoUgH tO bReAK uR hEaRt fOrEvER...

*yoO kEn sAyY yOo lOvV mEyY yOu kEn sAyY yOu cArEe`* bUh i nO uR lOvE fOr mE wiill ((n e v e r)) be tHeRr

if it was true you loved me..wouldnt you be here to catch me when i fall...
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