Every time i close my eyes, i think of you and all your lies. You played me from the very start, took advantage and broke my heart. You never meant a word you said, you just messed around with my head. You hurt me in the strongest way and all this pain will forever stay. At first I thought that this was meant to be, but its been all this misery. For this pain there is no cure, for this hurt i must endure.

a BrEaK uP iS LiKe a BrOkEn MiRrOr
It*S bEtTa To JuSs LeAvE iT bRoKeN
ThEn tO HuRt uRseLF tRyN Ta FiX iT

Sometimes u have to really get to know someone
..to realize that u never really knew them at all..

i would wait till forever
Just so we could be together.
If only you weren’t so blind to see,
how much u truly mean to me

He ToOk mY hEaRt n RaN aWAy
i ALwAyZ tHoUgHt hEd bE hErE tO sTaY
i ThOuGHt hE wAs mY aNgEL sEnT fROM aBoVe
GuEsS tHaTs wHaT i GeT fOr
* . . FaLLiNg . iN . LoVe . . *

FoRgEt tHe dAy i LiKeD yOu
FoRgEt tHe dAy i CrIeD
FoRgEt tHe dAy i NeeDeD yOu
fOrGeT i EvEr triEd

A TeAr for the day we *MeT*
A TeAr for each day you said you *LovEd* me
A TeAr for all the *MoMeNts* i held you in my arms
A TeAr for every *KiSs*
A TeAr for all the times i *MiSs*
A TeAr for all that you *WeRe* to me
A TeAr for what our *FuTuRe* was meant to be
A TeAr for the moment you said *GoOdByE*
A TeAr for everything that was so *TrUe*
aLL BeCaUsE i'M StiLL iN LoVe WiTh YoU

LoVe iS RaRe, LiFe Is StRaNgE--NoThInG LaStS AnD PeOpLe ChAnGe

You hug him goodbye like its nothing when all you want to do is hold on forever...but you let go, smile, and walk away...then cry all the way home because you know it will never be the same because try as you might, you can't make someone love you. sometimes you have to let them be free.. and letting go, that is when love hurts the most of all.

I MiSs ThE WaY We UsE To Be
WhEn ThE FeEliNgS WeRe So StRoNg BeTwEeN U AnD Me
AnD NoW ThAt Me AnD U ArE FaR ApArT
ThE FeElInGs I HaVe WiLL ReMaIn LoCkEd In My HeArT.

SuCk iT up AnD waLk AwaY
..hE doEsN’t LoVe yoU..
bUt yOu’LL fInd *ThE onE* sOmeDaY
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