~*~you say that you hate me and i know that is true, then why cant i stop thinkin' about you?~*~

You know you're still in love, when the hardest thing to do is say goodbye

dont waste your time on someone who isnt willing to waste their time on you

It takes only a minute 2 get a crush on some1,
an hour 2 like some1
and a day 2 love some1
-but it takes a lifetime 2 get over some1~*~

~*Don't look back ,don't ever cry, he might not love you, but can't explain why. Just remember this and know it's true, he'll always have a place in his heart for you.

~*I loved you once...*~
~*You loved me not...*~
~*I loved you twice...*~
~*But then I thought...*~
~*You never loved me...*~
~*You never will*~~*But even so...*~
~*I love you still.*~

It hurst to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel

I know i shouldn't care or wonder how you are, but I can't hide this hurt inside my broken heart. I'm fighting back emotions that I've never fought before, all because I'm not supposed to love you anymore

I used to smile when I told people you were mine, but now I can't even smile and say your name at the same time

Although you may not love me,
Although you may not care,
if you ever need me,
you know i'll alwyas be there,
your love may be taken,
your heart may not be free,
but when your heart is broken,
think back and remember me

~*1 DaY u LoVe Me, tHeN yOu DoNt, ThEn WhEn u FiNalLy Do, I WONT!~*

Why give your all to someone when what you get in return is NOTHING
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