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NoVeMbEr 2002 eNtRiEz

NoVeMbEr iN ReViEw...
WeLL...November was pretty good overall...I guess there was too much homework, but not too much. The thing that really made me mad was this AWFUL (is that how you spell it???) cold. My throat hurt soo bad, i had to miss school. It still hurts and it sucks big time. I spent the last day of november doing nothing...but i did see Harry was waaaaayyy mom lyked it a lot though, and i thought she was lame...j/k!!! The Funniest moment this month?? Well there was a lot, but....

NoVeMbEr 2, 2002

NoVeMbEr 5, 2002

NoVeMbEr 6, 2002

NoVeMbEr 9, 2002

NoVeMbEr 9, 2002..Again

NoVeMbEr 13, 2002

NoVeMbEr 17, 2002--->HaLf B-DaY!!

NoVeMbEr 22, 2002