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Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 11


Chapter 3: This Chapter is about text formatting I used a clip from The Swift Water Girl Scout council about their Very best resident summer camp to do all my formatting.

Chapter 4: This Chapter is on Creating Web Images. I used a variety of pictures of flowers and my all time favorite cartoon The Smurfs.

Chapter 5: This chapter is all about using images. There's images and a few summaries about Various smurf episodes and I did various things with the pictures...

Chapter 6: This Chapter was all about Page Layout. For this one my main base was Song Lyrics from Avril Lavignea song called "Things I'll never say"

Chapter 7: This is about Links. For this one I choose to speak about My favorite poet and author Sylvia Plath and I included a biography and links to some of her best poems.

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 was all about lists, so I made some lists about Sylvia Plath, her life and her books.

Chapter 9: This page is a little bit of an editorial section about the cartoons of then and now.

Chapter 11: This is my thank you for visiting page with a little section to let me know a little about you.