----About this site----
Hey guys, its bre. I'm gonna tellyou a litle about the site. Danielle, Jenny, Lauren and myself are coming to gether to make up a new doll site for all of you! Seeing as how the sites new and all we dont have much going on cept construction. But if you keep checking back you'll find lots more to look at.

----About us----
Well seeing as how telling you about each of us is not our top priority, your gonna have to wait to learn more about each one of us! But I can tell you now that all three of us are really good dollers who only us MSPaint to make our dolls.So you dont have to Wait forever to see just how good our dolls are, I'll give you an exampl of each.


If you have any ideas for dolls or even for the site please do email us. e-mail me.

----Copyrights and Credits----
Sorry guys, but anything you see here on my site, stays on my site unless you email me and ask me.

Layout Design © by Evelyn at Enchanted Dreams
+ Bre's Dolls
+ Danielle's Dolls
+ Jenny's Dolls
+ Lauren's Bio
+ Bre's Bio
+ Danielle's Bio
+ Jenny's Bio
+ Lauren's Bio
+ Angy-Chan
+ Link
+ Link
+ Link
+ Link
+ Link
+ Link