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Stephanie's Home Page

Getting to Know Me, Stephanie's Web page.
I want to welcome you to my page. This is my opportunity to let you into my life, and show you some of the most precious parts of my life. I hope you enjoy. This is best viewed when the resolution is set at 1024x768.

My Personal Poetry

Time is something precious, taken advantage of and overlooked. Time is life, and like time is irriversible. If I could stop time, I would hold on to the happy moments I have. If I could go back, I would change the bad to good. But time is in the present, constantly moving forward. Our time is almost up, and with that comes goodbye. To say I regret our past would be lying but truth be told I'm not upset. Our concept of time is much different, and so is our path in life. You search to go back, I reach to go forward, neither possible yet. Our paths crossed once, and may again, but now we're oceans apart. I pitty you on your chosen path, I'm sure you pitty me on mine. I don't feel bad in loosing you, you've been gone for quiet sometime, what hurts is the way you left, without a reason why. My reasons are clear, I want better for myelf, I hope you understand. The time is now, and my journey just begun. Maybe one day our paths will cross, but now we're too far gone. Written by: Stephanie Martin 1999.

"If I Could Make A Wish"
If I could make a wish, and have it last forever and a day, I would take you in my arms, and this is where I'd stay. For there's no one else I know, that holds my heart like you, and I know someday, you'll realize this is true. If I could make a wish, your lips would be on mine. I'd slowly sip and savor you, Like only the finest wine. For there's no one else I know, that gives me so much pleasure, and I know someday, you'll see that you're my treasure. If I could make a wish, our bodies would unite, there's nothing I'd love more, than making love all night. For there's no one else I know, Who gives me passion like you do, and I know someday, all my wishes will come true. If I could make a wish, It would be just you and me, no worries in the world, just happy as can be. For there's no one else I know, Who with me, makes the perfect rhyme, and I knw someday, in another place in time. If I could make a wish, I'd go to the next lifetime to be with you, I know that you're my soulmate, there's no doubt I know it's true. For there's no one else I know, that is my destiny, I know I'm meant for you, and I know you're meant for me. Written BY: Stephanie Martin 1998

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This is where I usually write my best poetry. Here is a picture of caves point in Door County WI.
