Too Much Time and Not Enough TV

January 30, 2005

Ow. Ow. Ow.

October 12, 2004

What does it mean to human? Isn't it more than what we are now? Couldn't we change the definition if we tried?

October 10, 2004

Aw man..... calc hw. I think I'm gonna be busy for the next... rest of my life. ~_~ I did manage to put a new entry into my journal, though. Read it if you dare. Oh, also, intestinal fortitude is also good if you're planing on reading my journal.

September 17, 2004

Halloween is coming. And my site is ready. Looky looky. It's orange and black. It may have already been orange and black... but that's hardly the point. Halloween is a great holiday. But my favourite will always be Thanksgiving, the disfunctional holiday. ^_^

September 4, 2004

I've begun to think that maybe I should do more with this site. But.... what? It escapes me.

June 10, 2004 (3:10AM)

Umm... ew. Go read my journal.

May 13, 2004~

Well, it's my birthday again. Congradulate me on another year of life successfully lived through. Well... I lived thourgh it anyway.

April 9, 2004~

OMG... I'm soooo happy right now. Go to my journal to find out why.

April 6, 2004~

Frankly, I can't tell that any of friends actually come to this site. But if you do I suggest you refrain from reading my journal unless you want to hear the dark thoughts of my mind. I've put most of my worst tirades in another page called "rants", but I still suggest you read my journal with caution.

April 2, 2004~


So I'm getting really tired of trying to make my mouse over images to work. I'm getting the feeling that I'm waaaaaayy too stupid to figure this one out.*sigh* If you come back next time and there are flash buttons on the top don't be surprised. Until I figure it out please use the links on the bottom to navigate.


I rock. I so fucking rock. So hard. So much. That is all.

Okay, so I was wrong. That wasn't all. But seriously, I've been working on and off all week on this mouse over problem, so go click around the site and appreciate the greatness of the dinky little links I have created with my genius.

March 22, 2004~

It's Spring Break and I've actually posted the new site I tried to make ... well... nearly a year ago. If anything is wrong refer to message below. ^_^

November 14, 2003~

So this isn't my first site, but I'm still stupid. If anything is wrong chalk it up to my stupidity and move on.

August 28, 2003~

This is my new and....... improved *cough cough* site. It's all new and shiney. Ooo.. new car smell. Well, new site smell. That's right folks. Get _real_ close to your moniters... closer... closer my pretties!!! Bwahahahahah!!!!!... *cough cough*... Okay, so ... too over the top? What part? The meniacal laughing or just the part about you being my... pretties... ~_~

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