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Michelle's Idiosyncratic Routine

So, I was dreadfully bored today and happened upon a website that makes it rediculously easy to create ones own webpage. I have no political agenda, I'm not selling anything and I couldn't care less wether it tastes great or is less filling, I'm just trying to kill some time. Despite what you may have heard, I'm not the most exciting person in the known universe so I apologize to those who fall asleep and then have to walk around with little square indentations from the keyboard on their faces. Riiight, moving on. There are a few pictures here, one is of me (it's the best one I could find-sad,right?). There are a few of my son Rhys (no, not "rise", "reese"-it's Welsh you uncultured troglodyte). Yeah, I'm one of thooose moms who pulls out pictures and says "oooh, look at the baaaaby", to anyone who will listen. Sometimes I get on my own nerves. There are also a few pictures of my dog, Spunky-any guesses as to his disposition? I guess that's all I have to say. Maybe I'll actually update this page from time to time, but don't hold your breath. There's another page of pictures too. It's at

You are the weakest link-goodbye.

*Just a note. If Kevin Smith (the almighty) would happen to come across this page for some reason, I would like to apologize for ripping off the title of your comic from Chasing Amy. Please don't sue me-I love you.*

This is Me

now would be an opportune time to invite your friends to the computer to gape...

Mmm, cookies

This is Rhys ^_^

he really likes cookies

so cute he makes you want to vomit...