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135 Questions

Same Ole' Stuff: 1. Full Name: 2. Age: 3. Birthday: 4. School: 5. Grade: 6. Hair color: 7. Eye color: 8. Siblings: About Your Home: 9. What are the outside colors: 10. One or Two story: 11. How many rooms in all: 12. Where is your computer located: 13. Is there a Garage: About Your Love Life: 14. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend now: 15. If not, Are you SORT OF going out with someone: 16. Are you in love: 17. Do you just have a crush: 18. What is your bf/crush like: 19. Who was your first boyfriend/gf: 20. How old were you when you had your first REAL kiss: 21. Are you a virgin: 22. Does the word marriage scare you: 23. What makes a good date to you: 24. How many times do you think you've been in love: 25. Top or Bottom: Friends: 26. Best Friend(s): 27. Nicest: 28. Prettiest: 29. Meanest: 30. Tallest: 31. Shortest: 32. Funniest: 33. Craziest: 34. Shyest: 35. Most Outgoing: 36. Cry Baby: 37. Worst Driver: 38. Most fun to be with: Family: 40. Moms Name: 41. Dads Name: 42. How many siblings: 43. Does your family get along: 44. Who do you like best mom/dad: 45. Is your family strict: 46. Are you aloud to go alone on a date: 47. Does your dad hate all your bf/gf's: 48. Favorite Aunt: 49. Favorite Cousin: 50. Favorite Brother/Sister if you have one: This/That: 51. Hot-Cold: 52. Top-bottom: 53. Pool-Ocean: 54. Boy-Girl: 55. Band-Singer: 56. Preppy-Punk: 57. Jeans-Shorts: 58. Jeans-Skirts: 59. Blone-Brunette: 60. Day-Night: Favorites: 61. Color: 62. Smells: 63. Food: 64. Person: 65. Band: 66. Clothes Brand: 67. Shampoo: 68. Magazine: 69. Room of the house: 70. Animal: Misc: 71. What cd(s) are in your Cd player right now: 72. What CD is in your computer right now: 73. What is the date and time: 74. Who do you think about most: 75. How is your hair right now: 76. What is by your computer.. or on the desk: 77. Do you like reading at all: 78. Do you like singing: 79. Do you like dancing: 80. What is on your walls: 81. How many windows are there in your room: 82. Have you even snuck out: 83. If so with who: 84. Ever snuck people in: 85. Ever Driven when you werent supposed to: 86. How often do you shave your legs.. or your face if your a guy: 87. Do you have long legs: 88. Describe your fingers: 89. Describe your toes: 90. Are you happy right now: When was the last time: 91. You showerd: 92. Cried: 93. Laughed: 94. Called someone: 95. Counted your money: 96. Went swimming: 97. Drove: 98. Played golf/putt putt: 99. Said i love you: 100. Last time you read: Rate 1 to 10, 10 being the BEST: 101. How Well Brittany Spears can sing: 102. How Josh Hartnett Looks: 103. How Ben Affleck looks: 104. How well Cristina A sings: 105. How Mark McGrath looks: 106. How good was Scary Movie: Do you.....: 107. Sing in the shower: 108. Check the mail: 109. Read: 110. Clean the house: 111. Like mixed drinks: 112. Talk on the phone for hours: 113. Eat a lot: 114. Ever go out on the boat: 115. Like shopping: How Often do you...: 116. Sing: 117. Take a Shower: 118. Call people: 119. Talk to your mom: 120. Cry: 121. Write emails: 123. Do you get online: 124. Clean your room: 125. Wake up early: 126. Wake up late: 127. Clean out your closet: 128. Stay up really late: What Time: 129. Do you wake up: 130. Go to bed: 131. Normally get a shower: 132. Do you wake up for school: 133. Are you most active: 134. Do you go to the movies: 135. Is it Now: