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Selphie Tilmitt's page

I made this page for everybody who looks up to me as a role modle because...

I even rated them! Some cute fun web sites I know are.......

#1 Neopets - Super cute (online) pets
#2 Sea monkeys-Sea monkeys are (real) cute pets
#3 Kolo's - don't go on this page if your a under age kid. I just put that web site on mine cuz that's lil_ol_demon's website, but lil_ol_demon's nice, don't worry
The rest of these are part of my website,I hope like it!
This is my picture page!
Here's my online diary!
My Guest book!
Selphie's !deas Page

Booyaka! Hiya SeeD's 'n Garden students! I'm Selphie Tilmitt! I hope you really like my website! Though, it's not very good rite now, but I'm working really hard on it! Tee Hee! E mail me to tell me what you think of my website.Please sign my Guest book too! ps. I'm gonna try and get some more better pic's pretty soon!Whatcha think of a Selphie's !deas (ideas)page too it can have any ideas I think of 4 my website.I'm getting to many and links on my page so for now on they will be in "Selphie's !deas Page.Okay? ^o^

These special purple flowers are for Sir laguna!