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Good Shepherd Cub Scouts

New Page 1



Our new site is up and running! We have all of our Boy and Cub Scout info on it from our school. You will be able to access calendars, pictures, location maps to where we will go, etc. etc. We will have surveys and links to other sites and game sites.

Some of our scouts will help with building the site. It should be fun and educational

( This should be fun!).

Our new address is ~ We are looking for a bigger and cheaper site though so who knows? We may be linking from this site to the site above to yet another site! LOL! We will have this site at least through mid-August 2005.

(updated September 6th, 2004)

Some fun web sites

scouting games
fun family stuff
Nick fun
make your own puzzles
disney fun and games
key in your location and time and see where the stars will be
learn about stars!

Our Favorite things about Scouts
