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Sapphire Vickie Mae Fernandes


September 3, 2002 - February 2, 2003

Sapphire I was so blessed to be there when you came
into this world I was just as blessed
to be here when you left

Your mommy Zandi was going to school so
I got to watch you every day

Sapphie your mommy and daddy loved you and
you were the light of all our lives

On Febuary 2, 2003 was like any other morning

Daddy fed you and woke me up to tell me
he would be right back,
a friend needed a ride to work

So daddy kissed you at 6:30 and I said
I will see you in a little while angel

(I wish I had bent over and kissed you but
I didnt know it would be the last time)

At 6:47 I was awakened to your daddy screaming
Mooooooooooooom Sapphie isnt breathing

I was running in quicksand I could not believe my ears.

I called 911 and we did CPR then
the firemen took you away.

I prayed, begged, bargained with God.

I called your mommy to tell her to get to the hospital.

Then the call from Mommy telling me you were gone.

How could this be?
SIDS had stolen you from us.

Sapphie your grannie loves and misses you
every minute of every day.

You loved to laugh with me in the mirror.

Anytime anybody wanted you to laugh they would
come and get me

You loved to laugh and talk to me.

If I was in the room you made sure
I wasn't out of your sight.

My favorite memory is when we went
to get christmas pictures.

Mommy and Daddy had gotten some but you
were not smiling so,

We bought a new dress and went down to see Santa.

I stood to the side and got you giggling
and then you opened your arms for me
to pick you up and they snapped the picture.

It is my favorite picture of you.

Sapphie you will never be forgotten.

You will always be loved and missed but
God needs you for what reason

I do not understand, but I promise you
I will do my best here on earth
to make you proud so we
can be together again.

Forever My Love
Sapphie's Grannie Mary

Sapphie your grandpa and I will tell Xeth
all about you

We will tell him how special you are to us and
how we wish you could have known each other

You will be in grandpa and grannie's thoughts and
hearts forever

By clicking on the graphic saying next you can visit
the poem Sapphie's mother wrote for her

Please sign the guestbook if you have the time
so that we know you were here

Visit Sapphie's online quilt by clicking on her doll

Number of Pictures: of

Sapphie's Little Bear

I am a member of Missing Our Grand Angels support group

Website created by Janie of Lady J's

Page updated August 19, 2003