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Sapphire Vickie Mae Fernandes


September 3, 2002 - February 2, 2003

My precious angel baby

Words cannot express this taunting sorrow
If I had only knew there wouldn’t be a tomorrow
My baby girl who rides white clouds
I will forever smile for the time God let me borrow

My only strength in life was your soul
But now God tells me to let you go
And he says you are there when I feel the wind blow
Yet he doesn’t understand I now have no where to go

I’m lost without you baby girl
The future for me is such a blur
But I know you were always an angel in waiting
I could never imagine you special way fading

So I open the gates of heaven from my heart
And I know deep inside we will never part
A new beginning, A new end, and for you a new start
In Gods hands you will stay, but forever in my heart

How do I get through one night without you?
Baby blue eyes that heaven shined through
You are the only reason the sky is blue

To know I’d have you only awhile
I didn’t have a clue
You are the reason I think angels are true

I wish I could have been there more
Like a butterfly through my heart you tore
Now in heaven with wings you sore
Every part about you I miss and adore

Remembrance of your soft little hands
Or how I’d hold you high to dance
Everyone knew you were special with just a glance
If I had only known the short time I had was my only chance

My chance to hold and comfort you
My chance to love and cherish to
My chance to laugh and cry with you
My only chance to forever not feel blue

Your Mommy

Poem written by Zandi
Sapphie's mother
Do not copy without permission

I Believe

Every now and then soft as breath upon my skin
I feel you come back again

And it's like you haven't been gone
a moment from my side
Like the tears were never cried

Like the hands of time are holding you and me
And with all my heart I'm sure
we're closer than we ever were
I don't have to hear or see,
I've got all the proof I need

There are more than angels watching over me
I believe, I believe


That when you die your life goes on
It doesn't end here when you're gone

Every soul is filled with light
It never ends and if I'm right

Our love can even reach across eternity
I believe, I believe

Forever, you're a part of me
Forever, in the heart of me

And I'll hold you even longer if I can
The people who don't see the most

Say that I believe in ghosts
And if that makes me crazy, then I am
'Cause I believe

There are more than angels watching over me

I believe, I believe

Song written by Diamond Rio

Sapphie's Angel

Website created by Janie of Lady J's