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This website is created and dedicated to
my mother Eva
and my grandaughter Sapphire

My name is Mary and I live in the state of Arizona

This year has been a sad one for our family

In February we lost our grandaughter Sapphire, to SIDS
and in June we lost Mother to heart problems

I hope you will take the time to look over my website
and if you have the time sign the guestbook

You can start your journey by clicking on the next graphic
to visit Sapphire's site.

Thanks for stopping by and please return again to visit


You are my mother, my sister and my best friend

You are my backbone and I'll love you till the very end

And yes I know physically I'm not always there

Yet my soul and mind is, even when I act like I don't care.

It seems that death has brought us closer togther

And yet our love is like a floating feather

I float to you and from you and to you again

And as long as my hearts torn this process wont end.

I'm sorry I can't be there to mend your heart

And I hope in the future we can make a new start

So please see that I'm lost in my so called new normal life

And if I could I would cut out all of your pain with a knife

So mommy please know that I am always thinking of you

And how I'll never know what its like to grieve for two

The loss of your grandbaby who soars through the skies

and the loss of that glimmer that shone in your daughters eyes

So smile when you see her face

And dont be afraid to cry when you feel Gods grace

Laugh from time to time to know that your still alive

And know that your strength and your love is why I have survived

Your daughter

Zandi Walker

Page last updated August 8, 2004