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  News & Updates

July 27th 2003

Hey,whats up? I recieved my banner. Cooleeey!!! Thanks again Lucy! Just a correction, everyone my site's name is actually Sakura's CoSmic Star.Hehehe. I just to clear that up.LOL. I have my Guestbook up. Please Please sign it. Thanks a a lot! Media is up. You can listen to many CCS songs. I also have two new characters in the Character Bios. That's all. Cya!~!

July 26th 2003

Hey, I have my first official afflicate Sakura And Li's Dream Cloud.H-o-o-r-a-a-y!!! LOL. Todays been a busy day. The Episode Guide,Cardcaptors TelevisionCardcaptors Movies,Voice Actors & ActressesName Changes/Translation , Picture Gallery , and a Tag Board. Please sign it and please don't forget to check out Izzy's Contest. Look below for the banner. Bye!^_^


July 25th 2003

Oh no, school is near by. Only a month until summer break is over..*cries*., I did a lot. I got History,Credits,About Me,About Site, Cardcaptors Story, and,Character Bios. In the charcter bios, there's only one person in it Sakura. Sorry. I'll try to get more characters by watching Cardcaptors. Cardcaptors on tomorrow Yeah!

July 24th 2003   
Hey, Today I finally understood the whole html thing. LOL. Anyways since I promised to update as soon as I can, I finally have at least two pages done. They are Afflicates & Afflication, and Guest Map. If your going to sign in my guestmap please wait until something pops up, and when it does it will cover thw whole screen. So to come back to my site just click the back button and your back to my site..I finally found out what this site's name should be. I can't tell you yet, because I'm still waiting for Lucy to make the banner for this layout. Well, that's all c ya!!! ^_~

July 23th, 2003
Hi. I just created this site. Ummmm...I'm having trouble finding a name for it. If you have the perfect name or names please send it to Thanks! None of the pages work, except the main page. Please be patient while I get everyhting up and going.