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Ettes Coloring Book

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Well hello! Welcome to the Ettes Coloring Book. Flip through the links and find one that you like then print it out and get to coloring. Make sure you have an abundance of pink crayons or markers though! Cheers.


2/7/03...Hello again. For some strange reason, our beautiful homestite was removed. SO, I made a new one. Anyways, I updated the link to the NEW Ettes' site! Cheers.

1/30/03....Hello there! Because we got an overwhelming amount of hits in the past few days I decided we needed something new...but what? Then it came to me--we need something interactive. Something that can appeal to anyone. Thus came the Ettes' Coloring Book. I've added a few pictures and I'll add more when I have the time. As for now, Cheers.