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As the Phoenix rose from the ashes, So shall we rise  

Welcome to Rising Phoenix Academy Home School Web site!

Soaring High Through Knowledge              

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  Rising Phoenix Academy

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Revised: February 18, 2003 .

Welcome to the Web site of Rising Phoenix Academy

Our first year of home schooling was nerve-racking, confusing, frustrating and frightening at times. I had no clue as to how to begin or what curriculum to use. I knew that my grandson was a gifted child and that made it all the more difficult to choose the necessary educational items we needed. 

All of us have faced these same feelings and many still do. Home schooling is very demanding of our time, energy and emotions, but it is the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my entire life.

Whether to home school or not is a decision that takes careful thought and planning.  Anyone who considers home schooling their child has the right to decide what is best for them. 

Anytime I feel discouraged or frustrated, I look at the poster that has a permanent spot on my wall. When I read it I am reminded of the reasons I chose to home school. The poster is called "A Teacher's Prayer".

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A Teacher's Prayer

Help me be grateful
For the students who like to learn,
And feet challenged by those who don't.

Help me be thankful
For the students I love,
And understand those I'm learning to love.

Help me be motivated
By the students who learn to think, 
And be committed to those afraid to try.

Help me be inspired
By the students who choose right over wrong.
And be patient with those who lack the courage.

Help me be gentle
With the students who make mistakes,
And learn to forgive a difficult child.

Help me be wise
With the students building character,
And be unwavering with those without conscience.

Help me be committed
To the students who are responsible,
And be persistent with those who value nothing.

Help me be calm

In the midst of violence,
And model self-control in the midst of anger.

Help me be faithful 
In the days of discouragement, 
And be dedicated to make one child smile

Marsha Elyn Wright