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* My Favorites*
* Magik Ninja Song*
* Sleeping Beauty*
* Aaliyah *
* Quizzes *

Hey Im Shelly. Here is a little about me. Im 19 years old and live in California. I go to college. I havent really decided on a major yet. I want to be an actress but im going to school just incase i dont become one lol But i wont give up yet. I'll keep looking for auditions to go to. I enjoy acting because when im acting i feel like im in a whole new world for a little bit and taking a break from my mine lol. I like to experience different things and i think its fun playing different roles and such. Also i enjoy dancing. When dancing i also feel like im in a whole new world. I also enjoy writing songs and poems and art. i also like to sing. I like hanging out with friends and going to the beach, mall, movies, etc. Um, lets see what else.. i have 3 older brothers who are so OVERPROTECTIVE of me lol. I have 3 nephews who are so cute but can be brats sometimes lol. I love them to death. I love all my family and friends they mean the world to me and without them in my life i dont know what i would do. My bf is Danny. He's the best. I love everything about him, he makes me very happy. The happiest i've ever been :). Well i guess i will stop there i dont know what else to say right now lol. Thank you for visiting my page. Please come back and visit again!


* Andrea's page *
* my babys *
* Friends *
* Believe *
* guestbook *
* Thanks! *