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To gaze at the sky...

actually, this is looking down at the earth from above the clouds.

But no worry, the photos below will get us viewing in the right direction...

(Please be patient, these are tough loads...)


There are not very many photos here as mild weather in Western

Washington leaves good photos hard to come by....

I apologize for this...

please do not fall asleep at the controls,

indeed we are way up here....




Let us drift downward and see what storms brew below....













Ah...that one storm. Look at those swirling clouds.

It came suddenly and was considered significant

by Northwest Washington standards,

but it's minor in comparison to the midwest and south.

In fact I personally saw nothing but swirling clouds.

No thunder, lightning, or wind. I don't remember any rain either for that matter.

The thing about this little cloud mass was the 40,000 foot tops

on the clouds coming in...which is unheard of around the Seattle area...

big cumulous build up was awe-inspiring...I'm sure those tall clouds

intimidated the meteorologists in this area. I know Jeff Renner was surprised...


Yup, Mammatus clouds...they don't happen at Everett, Washington

very often. This was taken with cheap camera

stategically placed in vehicle for car accidents.



We were getting lightning every 4 seconds, great for

photography. Once again, this is not a

big deal to people down south but...

hey we'd better keep moving....

we're about to drop below the clouds....

a nice shot here. after unloading two rolls of film on

this storm, I reaped this gem...




That's it for now...






Ok, put the goggles back on ....

We're going to descend ...

Keep both hands on the controls and do exactly as I say .

Bring the control down to the link, press the left button

down, close your eyes, grit your teeth,suck in some

oxygen and let the button go.....


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Music by Rick Frazier