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My Website

Hey, what's up? well this is my website, i got bored and my friend told me i should make a website so i decided to. it's not gonna be too great though, at least not right away. Anyways, my name is Raychl. I was born on July 2, 1986 in Albuquerque, NM and I currently live in Fort Collins, CO. I have dark blonde hair with highlights and blue eyes. I will be a senior this year at Rocky Mountain High and then it's off to college, still not sure where though. I'm thinking of either studying nursing or teaching although my parents really want my to nurse and my dad wants me to be a nurse in the navy and to be honest, i'm not too fond of the idea. I'm a pretty shy person but if i know you or feel comfortable around you i'm very outgoing and fun. at least i like to think i am. haha. I have a younger brother named Patrick. He's 15 and will be a freshman in high school this year. In my free time i love hanging out with my friends. they're the biggest part of my life. they mean the world to me. I also love to draw, lsiten to music, and watch movies, and you can't forget cruising around oldtwon looking for hotties! And as for movies, i lvoe comedy and horror. Adam Sandler is a great of my favs. And i mean, i can't not mention the hotties out there like Shane West, Orlando Bloom, Paul Walker, Ryan Rhilipe, Ashton Kutcher, Josh Harntett, Brad Pitt, and SO many more! But yea, i love movies And as for music, i like everything except classical. and yes, that includes country. i'm not a huge fan of the stuff but i still like some of it. Let's see what else is there to say about me? My favorite color is blue, don't have a favorite food...and yep. I'm single and have been for about 3 months now and i honestly don't mind for once. boys are great but they also suck pretty hard. but then again, girls do too...i hate most girls...we're bitches. sad but true Anyways, I'm a pretty random person. I can be pretty boring or very interesting depending on how i feel at the time. And i usually try to hold back things so i don't upset them, but if you get me mad enough i will go off like you can't believe. so that's pretty much who i am.


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