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Rachel's Journey

The Journey Begins:

March 11th, 2003 Ft. Lwood, MO

Hello, My name is Shannon and I will be keeping an updated version of Rachel's journey! If you would like to write to Rachel on her email I will be checking her mail and will print and send her any letters she receives...that way you won't need to pay for postage if you don't feel the desire need to.

I hope you enjoy it!

Hi everyone! Once again this is Shannon…I just wanted to let you know that I have once again updated the site. I also switched it around a little…sorry for the confusion. But I now have it so that all of the new journal entries will be posted at the beginning that way you will not have to scroll down to see what’s new. Also I feel as if it will be easier for me to update it! Thank you! Shannon...also if you have any questions about abbreviations or something is not quite clear feel free to e-mail me at my e-mail address which is or add me to your msn and ask me online and I'll do my very best to anwser your questions. If I do not know the anwser...I'll make on up, just kidding, I'll write to Rachel and ask her and get back to you! thanks again...shannon!

16JUN03: Our time here in Delta Co is growing short. Only 31 days and a wake up to go. Yes, to you that's probably a long time, but here it goes by so fast. To tell ya the truth we don't even train after the 4th of July! So we really only have about 2 1/2 weeks left! We are finally done w/ USD(Universal Self Defense) and I am glad. We had to throw each other down and handcuff them or dif. scenerious to arrest personell. It was long, slow paced, and extremely boring. Glad to be done with that BS! Now we are on to bigger and better...driving the patrol cars starting tomorrow. We get to arrest people and then we have to write up reports on the crimes done. I thing thats what we do all this week. Next week I am sure we'll have EOCCT practice-boo! It stinkin' sucks I tell ya. On the 28th we prepare to go to the field in Hummers til the 3rd of July. And not to forget the 27th we have Phase V(our final) Pt test. I also think we have Jacob's laddre that day- our confidence course. Its a very tall ladder w. rungs really far apart. So as far as I know time is gonna go slower that we won't be so busy anymore. We are all so tierd all the time because of boring classes and waiting for nothing constantly. I just keep looking at what a huge acheivement i've made and where I am going in time to come...beside Ft. Riley of coarse. So, until I can tell ya something a lil more eventful tade care!! Please sent letters with lots of questions so I can write and tell my stories! At ease now and peace outtie! rachel

10June03: I know, I haven't been able to write journal's for a while, but here's what been happening this past week. All i have been doing is law classes from 0800 til1700 at chow time. It makes for long days , but the week itself goes by quickly. Last week we lost our pass(which means they can go to movies, or eat what they want basically a free day) because our first Sgt. doesn't think our marching is any good, so the Co. Walked outside all afternoon grooming and cleaning our yard. It looks great, but I'd much rather be out on a pass. Oh well, life goes on and it will just seem like time goes faster. Right now I am sitting in classroom waiting until everyone gets done on make-up/retesting. I had to make up one test from when I was in the hospital, but it was easy and I passed! So that's all I've got to say except I am looking fwd. to FTX (feild training) and voming home , of coarse, after graduation! I am missing everyone a lot and hope everyone can give me a call after July 20th, before AUG. 1st! Thake care and will update again when time provokes~ rach

17MAY03: Life is as good as grand right now. This is the end of week 9 and we studies for EOCT (end of cycle testing) all week. Friday was EOCT and Delta Dwags were only one of three co's in the past two years to score 100% on it. Our commander and Sr. D.S. was so proud of us...not to forget to mention how excited we were for eacho other, especially the mad dawgs. Mad Dawgs didn't win D & C, but we did win 3 of 4 of the hand-to-hand combat competions! And today...our final day of Basic we took our Phase III PT test. I was the only female in my plt to score an excellence (90% or higher); one of 4 females in our Co. I did 42 push ups, 75 sit-ups, and 1550 on my 2 mile run. I have also lost 10lbs since MEPS weigh-in. Tonight is Warrior Dinner and we get issued our values tag. The excitement in the Dawgs house is high right now and thats why I am so proud to be a Delta Dawg. Not to mention Mad Dawgs have the best PT scores in the CO!!! Sunday we have a 5 hour on post pass so some of my friends and I are going to Applebees(I think) to get some good chow. Today we are suppose to be fixing our wall lockers up and start spit shining our boots for AIT. We do so much here I can't even remember what all we do. We get T.V. starting monday and also music. I also believe we get more phone time...I hope. Most people are starting to get along better, but I still cannot stand Lazy Lacy Wilson. Oh yes, we argued again- I told her she is a loazy faker looking for attention w/no heart to be a soilder (sad thing is I was right). Oh well...shes going to be an Alpha Alligator soon :) Well, I am gonna go sneak a nap in the latrine (had CQ last night and I am tierd!). I am still missin' ya all-but only 2 months left to go! love Rachel

10MAY03: Forever forgive me but I haven't had yet a single second to write a journal page home. This week was FTX (field traning exercise) which meant we spent (were supposed to) three nights/four days outside. Well we left on Monday after weapons draw @ 0500. Tuesday night we were interrupted by storms and rushed by busses back to the barracks for the night. Yes that was the storm that killed a large # of people. Everyday it is storming here...tornadoes every night. Anywho, I will go back to Monday. After 0500, we marched a 10 k ( 7. something miles) to this obstacle course where we had to high crawl, low crawl, and back crawl through logs and wires and such. We had our Battle Buddies next to us and before we moved along we had to say, "cover me whild I move battle"..."Got ya covered battle"..."Weapon on-safe,-moving" and then when you got to each spot you had to call out "set." Then our battle moved. After that we went by bus to out camp site and set up out tents around our perimeter. We also had to dig foxholes and lay in them for a long time. After ligthts out @ 2100 we crammed ourselves into out 'tenies' (our tents for 2). We had to sleep in a little ball or we didn't fit w/all our gear in there. I had to pull fire gaurd last shift and I was alone so guess what, I got lost. We could only use our red lights and I couldn't find any of the foot trails. It was fun though...and I found the last tent before 0430, which was wake up time...of which we had to do so quietly...enemies were out there...At 0450 we had to be in our foxholes and they set off a flare...the first time we got to see one. Randomly they also threw out CS gas at us. Good thing we always carried out gas masks with us! So it's Tuesday and we ate our chow and got bussed to a tange where we layed behind logs and covered our battle buddies as we moved closer to our target. And the best part of the whole deal was we were shooting live ammo! No, none of the idiots got taken out---but it was mad fun...kinda felt real. The weather was rainy-like normal. We had about 2 hrs of RTT ( Retraining and Testing) and then the captian got a call from CSM True (Command Sargent Major) that we needed to get out of the field ASAP! So we came back to the barracks and slept for th4e night, most of it in the hallways because the sirens were going off the whole time. At camp only a few tents were blown down, but everything was drenced wet. We went back out there on Wednesday morning to clean up and set back for the night. Then we went out to the range for night fire. We shot on burst for thre first time and we also shot tracers (which made a red streak as the shot out in front of us at the targets). They also shot off some flares to assist us in night time combat training. We went back to our tents and got a good nights rest-2350-0600. We headed out to start our 15k road march around 0800. I've never walked so many hills in my whole life- and they weren't small hills either. It was about 90* and we were cooking with our 38lbs rucksack and 5 lbs tents oh our backs. We also carried our 7 lbs M16A2. It was a long walk but we did stop for chow and a short breifing midtrip from a Special Forces Ranger whom was also Air Assult and Air Borne...yah thats a very high title in the NCO channel. After the end of the march we ended up back at the range to complete the challenge that made us SOILDERS! We had to cut part of it short because of severe weather AGAIN. The part that we did do was so scarry and hard. We had to scale a wall and make our way across a sand pit with our M16A2 and real live ammo shooting over our heads. It was a long way to crawl on our elbows especially in wet sand. It seemed to be such a real experience...I hope I never have to run from bullets in a real war! It was really tiring and it wasn't nearly as long as you'd have to do it in a real situation! Our D.S. showed his happiness for our accomplishments as we cheered when we reached our safety point. It was the toughest day we have ever had here and it was a warm feeling in my heart when the day was over and I layed down for bed. Friday we spent the whole day cleaning up...washing tents and all our muddy, wet gear. It took a lot of water fights and laughter but we all stayed awake and got the job done. Satuday we did D&C (drill and ceremony) practice for competetition later this week. 3rd plt Mad Dawgs are looking pretty good so hopefully we will win the banner! Yes, that was cut short also because of stormy weather so we came back and did some more RTT inside. Today we are going to a festival where we get to eat whatever we want. I am going to order pizza, and drink Dr. Pepper, and watch T.V.(a movie). No DS will be there so it will be a nice relaxing day! This week is our last of Basic and we get to learn Hand to Hand Combat, do our Phase 3 PT test, and D&C competition, oh yeah EOCT (testing everything we've learned so far). Well, that's the happening so far. The friendships are growing really strong here and I have a lot of good memories...some that have changed me as a person. I've become much stronger and I can even do 44 push ups, although the max is only 42. My goal is to do 60 push ups, 90 sit ups,and 1530 on the 2 mile. I am not far from any of my goals, but a minor injury could really affect my goals! Everyday I hope to become a better soldier and will give it my all to be nothing short of one of the best! I am still loveing it here and only I we til we start driving vehicles! I hope you all are doing well and I apologive to those who haven't recieved letters, I have to time to write! Love ya and miss ya all!!! Pvt Weimar 02MAY03: The males are still great here, a few extra special ones that I usually chill with, Stillwell, Rose, Stoner, and Morgan are my favorites...and not to forget Warren. They are the ones that get me through my days. I am the only female on the end of the Co. so I only have to talk to males. I tell ya, the females here annoy the hell outta me, Once again I don't remember when I last wrote my journal. So I will begin on Mon(28APR03). I had DST(drill sargent time) so I sat at the barracks all day. Tues. I had class on the MK19...a grenade launcher. We got to try it in a simulator and our new D.S. was one crazy mofo. I was smoked three times also; once for Sweeney(with her as her battle buddy) cause she didn't have her glasses. Then the girl I don't like-lacy-(Lazy Lacy) whom is on profile(still) fell asleep and couldn't get smoked for I had to do all her push ups too. The someone dropped their weapon and I just happened to be closest to her. Ah, oh well- I can do 42 push ups now...thats a max in my age catagory. Ok, on to Wed...we were out at the range and shot the M249, Mk19, At4 blowing up some stuff...w/fake grenades (but had lots of color-paint balls). It was a lot of fun and really loud too. We also learned to set up and set off a claymore mine. Thursday it rained like ridiculos and we were drenched from 0500 til 1800. We threw grenades and even threw a real one. Otherwise we threw about 30 fake ones for practice. I qualified w/an excellence (I think), but we haven't got the results yet. I had the best arm so it wasn't hard for me...thanks to all me softball coaches! Oh yes, it did stop raining for about an hour or so...of which it was a nice hour! When doesn't it rain here. Today is Friday...we were fitted for out class A's and our high-speed PT uniforms. We won't wear them for a while but soon! Only 15 days till warrior dinner- END OF BASIC! Yes, some days are getting tough b/c the girls here a are rude and ignorant. My best friend here, Sweeney, and I are always togther because she is annoyed too w/ the others too. We run the same time on the 2 mi so we motivate each other. I am over all illnesses and doing well w/ everything else. Non raining days are so extremely hot...on wed a girl went down w/ a heat injury...believed to be a stoke (not sure yet). She is expected to be in the hospital for 3 wks. plus at least...maybe not survive- but we don't know...Some big investigation is going on- go figure. We don't know! Sat we have the confidence course and Monday we step out for PTX- our feild training we stay out for 3 days and have our 10k and 15k march! I am so excited and hope the weather cooperates...oh wait-forgot I was in MO!:) We drink so much H2O...about 7 canteens a day...some days more. I think that I miss chocolate...but my butt keeps saying it's happy w/o any...oh well-I hope I make 135 lbs when I get done here- no more than 140lbs! well, I am missing everyone a lot and hope I get more letters soon. I get blue when mail call doesn't include my name. (hint/hint) Peace out to ya and miss ya lots. NOTE: to Mom and Dad, Rick and Janet: I hope you all are doing well...I am sure you are...and I look fwd to July when I hopefully get to come home for a bit...before Germany<---hopefully my unit station gotta kick it! love Rachel

25APR03: I have had so much going on and not even 10 mins to write a tiny letter. I am outta excuses to "need" the phone so sorry for not calling! Our co. is lacking on some things that Sr. DS says we suck at. They call us an embarrasment to Delta Co. 787. Oh well, they only took phones, cadenses, and a gew other things away that we don't care about! but i have to go once again bye everyone! rachel!

23APR03: Our BRM training didn't end so well. Our Co didn't score an excellence so we got a good 45 mins w/our M16 over our heads. I scored a 29 on my qualification missing "sharpshooter" by one shot. Oh well, I passed and that's what counts. got to go bye! lovse Rachel

22ARP03: I was stung by a bee and had an allergic reaction to it. We were doing flutter kicks and it got stuck between my legs and it got real bad. I tried to ignore it (the bee sting) but my lips and tongue were swelling so fast...moments later after PT and returning to formation I started gagging and as my battle buddy realized what was going on...she got another Co. They got a truch and I had to go to the hospital. Two days later, as my leg was swollen all the way down and my eyes swollen shut, I had to go back to the hospital. Some sorta infection set in and apparently the doc. prescribed me and overdose of Benedryl. Because I tried so hard to stay awake all day I ended up getting broken blood vessels in my eyes from stress. But on the bright side of matters, I never lost my spirit or my upbeat personality. I keep everyone smiliong all the time, even the people I don't like so well. To tell ya the truth...I am so lost in days ( because they go so fast) that I don't know what happened on what date. We started training with the M249 and MK19 - both weapons- and it was fun. Sat is our PT test and our Phase two testing. I am on a 5 day profile ( of which I am not abiding) cause my tendon is still swollen from the bee sting. Bad luck is all it is! Everyone is sending lots of letters and its a super cool thing to get them here. Everything is going by so fast here...already on wk 6! Everyone's been asking about the guys(of which we are only allowed to call"MALES") and to tell ya the truth, I am good friends w/most of them. I receive repect b/c I work hard and I never let myself be any less that any of them. Although some times get really hard and frusttateing I am making it and having good times. And back to those males...if you talk to them its "fraternizing"- an article 15 or 29- or something like that. My best male battle buddy is in a dif. plt, but we talk a lot and he's super in 12 wks we'll see what happens w/ our friendships here. I gotta crash...have fire gaurd tonight at 0245 :( oh well- goodnight!Rachel

20APR03: BRM was good work this week. Wednesday we had a 10K road march! My arms are really sore from it as we had to march with our guns in position...away from our body's. It took us nearly two hours. :) I don't know where I left of on my journal...Thursday I found out why my eyes have been itchig so bad. So for three days I thought my eveys were sunburnt and itchy. Ya I fooled myself...It was the contagious pink eye. Although I had an extremely bad case where my eyes swelled shut :( If you miss BRM training you get recycled (sent to a new company) so I didn't go to the doc. til after training. My eyes were crusted over, swollen to all but a peep hole, but I seill shot a 33/44 at the range, but they are doing better now. Friday was the same as Thrusday same range. Sat we practiced outside the barracks w/our M16 A2 in the rain. We also cleaned them. It was a long dull day. Easter was great...we did nothing but clean and write letters, plus a few phone calls in the morn. Hydration tonight and BRM tomorrow Gotta Go! Have fun and write! love: rachel

16ARP03: BRM (basic rife marksmanship) is going well and it is hard to stay focused sometimes. We get down in our fox-holes and had to group and zero day one and do it again day two. On day three(today) we shot at a 12 million dollar range---all on this computer system that say exactly where your shot goes...@ 75,175, and 300 ft. targets. The 300ft is so hard at the prone ( on our belly-unsupported) position but easy in the foxhole. Today I shot 5 shots in under 15 secs. in a dime size spot on the 75 ft. target. Its a challenge every day. We had our 10k road march and it poured rain the whole day. We removed our rain gear on march and were drenched with water by the time we got back. It was fun though. I am a group leader so I got to strolt up and down the middle...and some girl tried to fight with me so I told her what I had to say in as little as possible words. That girl never tries and she brings down our whole plt. First Sgt. Fairchild heard me and her and laughted...later he came to me and asked if I was gonna be a drill Sgt. I really have thought about it, but we'll see in 3 yrs from now if I want too. Tuesday night we went to a easter gospel concert as a company and get this...we got a cookie!!! It was the best cookie ever. Well, that is seriously all I've done for this week so far and much the same for another wk! I'd tell ya what the weather's like but every hour it's different; between 30*-85* and sunny-thunderstorms. Never know whats next to come. Keep kicking and send letters soon! I love getting mail- the hightlight of every day mail comes (every 3 or so) love: RACHEL!

I get tierd of yelline "male on the floor" and "yes drill sgt." every morning and night we have weapons count 1-233(I'm 219). We count like this "delta zero one, delta zero two one nine ect..." It suck to yell it. Anywho-mad dawngs in the Rachel

09APR03: Hi everyone, it's Shannon. I just got off the phone with Rachel about a half an hour ago, and she was just calling to let me know that she won't be able to write for at least 10 days as they are going through a type of training that requires them to be out at the range all day long and will not have any time to write letters!

05APR03: I do not know when I last wrote or what I even wrote so I will start with tuesday(01APR03). We went to the Gas Chamber and that was seriously the longest 3 mins of my life and everyone was puking and had bugars to the ground. I didn't puke luckliy and only had a few bugars, but I though I was gonna die when they made us inhale that gas! On Wednesday - okay I messed up the days! Tuesday was actually first aid training all day and after learning all the stuff they sent my plt outside and we had to do neck hard. One person would lay flat on the ground as dead weight and we had to crawl with them under us and thier hands around our neck. My neck hurts so bad from it. Try it...lots of work cause you have to stay low like a bullet is flying over! That's what we did that day and wed was actually the gas chamber, not tues. Every day here feels the same and repetitive. On Thursday we had MOPP 4 training. We had to put on our gas masks, and full MOPP gear (like a snow suit filled with charcoal) and rubber boots/gloves and disinfect an infected vehicle (like it was in a contaminated area). It was so hot and our gas mask still smelt like gas from Wed. I passed the mapping class also that day but no one really knows what its really used for, except explosions. We just do what they tell us! Friday was split radio training and it isn't our turn till monday so we sat around doing litterally nothing...but cleaning our barracks. We were cleaning and the boys decided not to do so D.S. Fox went to their floor and tore open disinfectant powder and threw it everywhere on thier sent off the smoke detector and because they weren't working we all got smoked. Once again the neck pull w/ our battle buddies, the firemans carry (over our shoulder) which went for a long way...and also the "Leonardwood 500." (which is the bear crawl, butt up and hands/feet down) for about 10 mins. You all gotta try this stuff...that's what makes this place suck the most! I get so many thorns in my hands from it. Today, Saturday, we had our first PT test and first 2 mi run. I was the fastest female of my plt w/ 18:17, but I know I can do better so I am working up for a 16:00 min one in 7 wks! I am doing well physically and loving the am workouts. Oh, its true about how military persons complete most of their day by 0900! Anyways, Sat we also had our Phase 1 test and I passed that too. All in all, its not too hard for me YET! The chow is always interesting and I usually get rice or noodles and then the soup and combine them- along with some of the nasty veggies(mush). An apple and a few slices of bread top it off- no no cookies or sweets. No butter, syrup, or cream cheese! Every morning its an egg(scrambled) sandwich, applesauce, waffle/or french toase, and an apple. I can eat a whole apple in a minute! Everyone laughs at how I talk and talks about MN filmed movies. I am the only MN private in my whole company. Most are from LA, CA, TX, Mass, and the East Coast. The weather changes redicuosly 'round here. I never know to wear my winter or my summer BDU. Usually my summer cause my winter pants are too big...but today it was so cold this morn- we had gloves and our feild coats cause we had D&C ( drill and ceremony). We marched around a parking lot for four hours. We know most of the marching steps now so at the end of red phase(this friday 11Apr03) we get to start some cadences we sound off to. Every day I look fwd. to the adventure. Its so exciting. Some days are hard because my battle buddy is so rude to me and is super slow. She's always whining. First she was "hurt" so she went to the doc and is on profile(mo marching, no exercise) then she whins cause she cannot do it. She always tells me because I ask her to hurry or put her stuff away so we get done faster. It a no win with her! Oh one really likes her cause she's snippy so I just hang with Sweeney most of the time. We sing all the time and always run together. She got tired on the mile and we pulled eachother along. We ran on 17 secs apart for our time. She's from Mass also and is a lot like me which makes it easy. I still am the upbeat one here-keeping everyone on the "up" side. I make up jokes and songs and Sweeney and I even put on skits in our personal time. well gotta kick it, chow time! love you lots Rachel

02APR03: Today we ran 12 Minutes and I ran w/d the Bravos so it was surly a good workout! That is the second best: and not many girls run w/them. Some of the lazy guys didn't wanna run hard so when we got back we got smoked for 20 mins. And wow was that hard work: I hate the flutter kicks! After that we got a huge lecture from Sr. DS. about integrity and hard work. Everything reflects back on the people in war now and how we will be there in 15 wks! :/ So we had to go to the gas chamber today. That relates to the war too because it was a test to save ourselves from a nerve gas attack (which is like what Saddam has). It was fine for me because I just stayed strong & didn't get scared. It's hard to keep composure when we had to remove our masks, but I did. My battle buddy puked on me & many others puked too! I only had some snot running from my nose. It hurt my lungs a lot, but I didn't worry so it was okay. It was the longest 3 minutes of my entire life and it felt like I was gonna die. When you get a perm...that smell...yep- 3 times worst than that burning smell. We walked out from the door and the people who went through before us cheered us on and kept us flapping our arms and our eyes open. I love the teamwork here and the friendships too!

Well, anywho...I pray for the pvts who drank milk before the gas chamber cause it was bad for them! And my battle buddies need me to clean the vent so I gotta get up and do that! That's my job, along with the latrine sicks, every morning and nights when we have barracks maintenance. This place is so ghetto no matter how much we clean it still sucks! And I also still hate our wool blankets cause they really itch. Today was so warm (80*) and I had no clean BDU's (they're at the cleaner) for summer so I sweated horribly in my winter BDU.

I am still loving it and would love to get another hour of sleep each night! Gotta Go- Keep sending letters...I love em!

This is a letter that was fwd on to me that Rach sent to her mother:

I'm missing ya all a lot but this place is a blast! Everyday is like opening Christmas presents--- you just don't know what’s coming-always a surprise! Our plt is so much fun and our DS are the best. We always give 110% and sometimes more. We learn so much sometimes its hard to remember it all, but we have to or we got to the back of the chow line w/ or battle buddy!!

Sunday (30) we sat around all day. The DS"s forgot us at church ss we got MRE's and went w/ another plt and got to watch TV! We hear little of the war except the major events; because 75% of us will be in Iraq or Korea in 4 months. It was nice to see that television though. Eventually the came for us after the engineer co. called for us.

Monday (31) we had a road march to some place or another (I never know where we are) and had bayonets? Training. First we stabbed/punched (slashed)/and blocked this dummy (a tire on a post with some arms and such) and then we went through this obstacle to develop out moves we learned in the mourning. it was hard work and we cheered for each other a lot. We crawled, jumped, stabbed, slashed, and many cried, but the end of victory lane was great! We sounded off w/kill, kill, kill, w/mercy and what makes green grass green? "Blood, Blood, Bright Red Blood" and the two types of Bayonet fighters: Quick and the Dead. We had a good time developing teamwork ethics and friendships.

Tuesday was PT and class day. We learned first aid on the battlefield w/dressing and wraps. We learned how to amputate a wound and how to carry the wounded: which we practiced in return for being to loud! We did the crawl w/ our battle buddy's arms around our necks w/dead weight. It hurt a lot but I found a true team when DS told us to fall back on our gear at the end of the pull but our group was last. The rest of out plt stayed and cheered us on and we returned to out gear as a true team DS congratulated us for out attitudes! It really meant a lot to me that i know i can trust my PLT to be there for me in time of need. We also prepared out gas masks for the gas chamber on Wed.

Well, that's the best i can do for an update at this time. Lights are out and we have running PT at 0500 so I've gotta get some rest.......We drink so much H2O and it tastes so horrible but i just pretend its Dr. Pepper!! They keep feeding us the nastiest cooked peas and most of accidentally spill them cause they give them to us only chance for desert we get and the pound cake kicks---the best!!!!!! Mmmmm!!!! I gotta learn to cook that stuff. well being i cannot think of anything but sleep i am going to do it being we have the gas chamber 'morrow


On Thursday(27MAR03) we had our first field day. We packed our rugsacks and marched 1.5 miles. We climbed through many obstacles- lining 2*4's on top of a small post and our mission was to not fall in the water (sand) and to get everyone across and our ammo box/can. One we had to even transfer a body across on pulley-which was a lot of fun. Our crotches all really hurt from straddling the boards, but we learned a lot about teamwork and this weeks value: "duty!"

Today, Friday we had to do our PT in the kill zone ( which is the size our sleep zones) because of the rain/cold (it snowed today but was 75* yesterday). We sat in class from 0800 on and it was so boring! I draw a lot to stay awake cause otherwise my battle buddy, Wallke, and I have to get smoked. Days get long but I love it here! The food is really good but I think my love for MRE's is growing. I wanna meet whoever invented those heaters! I eat pasta because its filling and provides a lot of energy!

0430 wake up

0500 formation for PT

0700 Chow

0800-1200 class

1200 Chow

1300-1700 class

1700 Chow

1800-2000 kill zone- war update, anything extra, letters, frendship time

2000-2100 Personal time

2100 Lights out!

We eat a lot and go to class. We are in red zone- the toughest! I think its easy so far and I am working on my 2 pk- going for a 6 pk! It coming a long good and I am getting really strong!

This is our first free moments in like 4 days so its nice to just sit and relax. I'm on good terms so far so I am lucky I guess everyone really sick now, especially the 8 "detail" people. Hacking never stops...I even hack till I puke my water up! Well, I miss ya all and hope to see some letters soon! Pray for our POW's and the rest! Please tie up a yellow ribbon in your front yard for them. Each day I look at our yellow ribbon tree and Thank God for all I have and look fwd to joining our soldiers in 16 wks! They say most likely we'll all be deployed when we are done here. If we don't go through faster- pending the war situation! Gotta get some sleep! Miss ya and love ya Rachel!

28MAR03: Two days ago I went on "detail" and missed all the boring classes! Our plt had 8 soldiers (4 girls & 4 boys). We went in the back of the truck and had to clean one of the Marine barracks. It had been broken into and was a disaster. The upper floor had a pile of shit on in about 3*4 ft. It was horrible. The latrine (bathroom) was a disaster. The people who damaged it covered the vents and turned all the hot water on. The whole place was molded. When our DS found out they took it to some board because we all have a respiratory infection from it. I even at my first MRE that day and damn it was good- we never get any snacks or anything. I am already sick of water. "Detail" was a good chance to make some really good battle buddies though!

22MAR03: Total Killer! I passed my PT really high, at least a 80% so that's a good start here. We have been sitting in classes and will everyday almost all day. PT is at 0500hrs -0800 hrs, then showers, and chow at 0900hrs and classes - Gotta move out PVT Weimar!

21MAR03: Had to do lunges today and can hardly move- it wasn't even my fault! Some girl was lost and didn't have her battle buddy and we were by her-ahh! Else wise I am loving it, but its a lot of work and I gotta do CQ at 2100hrs till 2215 so gotta move!

20Mar03: I am at Basic now and we arrived Tues. afternoon. They drove us over here in a cattle trailer and shoved us out like cows. We dumped our stuff out and wes all got everything mixed up. We did about 100 pushups in this little shed and it was hotter than hell! Most every girl cried, but I just went about it my own way- think how nice my bed would be at 2100 hours (9:00pm)! Our drill Sergeant is really cool and we all work hard. I spend most of my time doing pushups or reading my smart book. I think it is hard but a good challenge. This place really feels like home now. Its not as bad as everyone says! I have a lot of respect from the males because I can do pushups well! Gotta move out- love Rachel AKA: PVT Weimar

17MAR03: Today is our final day of reception and b/c I was done w/ everything on Tues. I have just been sitting around since then. My Battle Buddy and I are always getting into trouble for being too loud. I love this family so much and tomorrow it's gonna be sad when we all leave each other and go to our new platoons. We really work hard to be good soldiers, we even smoke ourselves in out barracks at night to get better at arm strength. I am getting a lot stronger. They feed us so good and some other girls don't ear meat either. We get rice and gravy and shrimp and cookies, fruit, and sometimes ice cream bars. Wow it's all good, not to forget my Caesar salad w/ all light lettuce. Tonight we have to pack everything up and get all ready to pack it out on a walk tomorrow across base. This is where its all gonna begin-our true challenge! Its only going to be as hard a we make it so if we all are on our best behavior wes gonna be all good. I wish we could take pictures of all our friends, but they are not allowed. If I could draw it would be nice. Its nice knowing I always have something to do-if we are on a break I write letters or study my smart book. At night I can always shine my combat boots or organize my locker. I am faster at making my bed finally and all showers are at night. We all have to shower together and that sucks. This base is so beautiful and I can always hear the birds but haven't seen one cause wes always looking straight fwd. The weather is always really nice and I love when we stand in formation for hrs cause that’s the only time we get to go out. We always need a battle buddy to ue the latrine (bathroom) and we always have to ask a Sgt. I am proud to be here and dream about when I get outta basic/AIT. I love it so much you don't even understand till yous here! They's all yelling at us but we just wanna be strong! I miss everyone and hope all is well! Love PVT. Weimar


Finally...Rach's address.

PVT. Weimar Rachel, D.

D CO 787 MP BN 3rd PLT

185 Artillery Rd. Unit 37


Above is the address that Rachel will be able to send and recieve letters with, hope you use it lots!

Today is March 17th, 2003...I just received two journal entries from they are exactly as she wrote...her perspective not mine:

14MAR 03 Today someone woke everyone up at 400hrs because they were too ignorant to follow orders. We had to go back to sleep for 30 mins and get up at 430 hrs. We went for breakfast and we are getting so good at marching...but cannot control our talking. We's still in the deep end with our Commanders so they tried to kill us with our arms above our heads again...after our PT test! I PASSED!!! Many girls didn't make it, so they have 6 weeks of special training before Basic! After Sergeant worked us we were wasted! We had to hold our arms above our heads again and 100 pushups and running in place, w/ arms straightforward. We's all here sitting, laughing, and bringing spirits up! The Chocolates say theys blacks are so much fun and we's all having a blast. They are funny and I come to like them a lot. Some are really crabby, but the ones by my bunk are cool. Everyone wanted to go home 2 hours ago, now we are having a blast. We ate dinner after PT and returned to Barracks at 1800-at 2030 we have to stand at attention! Oh, and it's true, the MASH movie- well we listen to all that music here. I am loving it and bring spirit to other privates-makes my day. well gotta go-need to shower before 2030 hrs - its 1954 hours! love Rachel P.S. we get to sleep in till 5 tomorrow and get hair done at 9!

13MAR03: I am line #600 and belong to A3(alpha three). That is how I am identified at all times while in processing (till Tues.), then we are called by our names "Private Weimar" for me! Last night we had lights out at 9:00 and I was out like a light! We woke at 4:30 this morn, but i had "fireman duty" at 2:00am and had to mop the Barracks floors of A3's. I got off duty at 300 hrs and slept another hour. Oh man-Alpha 3's are so "disgraced." The drill Sar. Made us stand at attention 30 mins and also hold our hands -pointer fingers together, elbows straight for 25 mins. My arms hurt! Not to mention we walked in for shots a line...4 shots (2 in each arm)...4 steps 2 more shots...4 steps more and 3 shots...then 10 mins later one in our ass...but mines not too bad, some privs. Can barley walk! Chow was good and I ate lots of rice & shrimp stuff...we always have to drink water w/ dinner first, then whatever! A3's are in deep shit almost all of the time. We's real bad I guess. I am always good though and make myself always unnoticed! I always carry my battle buddy with me and read my smart book every chance I get to stop. My buttons are always buttoned and I always address Sergeant just as that, they yell otherwise. I walk tall and make jokes when I know they expect one. It does get a little tough, but I am great compared to most. Two already left us (discharged)- one for pregnancy we think, the other over child custody not taken care of. Today we took photos for our families and got to make a call, but I didn't! It was only 5 mins of talking each and I wanted to talk to people cause it was the first time we's allowed to do that, especially w/males! I lied, I did get yelled at tonight, but not my bad- I and my battle buddy took all privates mail to the box of mail down the way and one boy(private) missed mail call while he waited for the phone. He ran to us, w/o a battle buddy and we were far from the rest of the A3...boys and girls are not allowed to be by each other when no Sergeant is present...he got in a lot of trouble...we were yelled at for accepting his mail- oh well...that Sergeant likes me anyway cause of how I talk and I am an MP! We sleep with about (4 *20)= 80 girls here- oh wait double that w/ bunks so 160 girls! We sleep in the clothes we wear the next day, showers at night and pack at to line up at 5:00. There is so much I could tell ya but I just need to sleep some. PT test is 1500 hrs tomorrow- 3 pushups-(which few can do) 17 sit-ups and 10.5 min mile. We are in deep shit so tomorrow will be hell...we get outta here on Tue so God saved us- Thank him! I cannot do this much longer! Well lights out in 5 mins so gotta bundle! Miss ya- but I am lovin it!-Rachel

March 11th 2003: Hey everyone! Rachel just called me at about 3:30pm today. We didn't get but a two minute phone conversation. She just wanted to call and say hi to me and let me as well as everyone else know that she made it through MEPS...she wasn't to fat, that was her biggest fear! She is still in Denver right now, and hopes to be arriving in MO soon. She also told me to keep writing her lots of letters as I wrote her a few before she left and she said she keeps on reading them over and over as it gives her hope. Well that's all for now and when I hear from her next I'll be sure to let you all know!

Her addy is now posted above!

March 10th, 2003: This will be the only journal page written by me personally. I am leaving momentarily to Sioux Falls with Mom and Dad. I am a lil nervous, but more excited than anything. After MEPS tomorrow morning I will be flying to MO and then bussing into base. From there I do not know what I will be doing. I will have to do what they tell me and how they tell me! Well, see ya all when I get back and hope to get lots of letters when my address is posted!!! Keep checking in for up to date info on my journey!!! See Ya all Later-Rachel Well everyone...this is Shannon once again. I said good-bye to Rachel for the last time today. I as well as everyone else wish her nothing but the best! She tells me day in and day out that it would make her first 18 weeks go by a lot faster if she had the continual support of family and friends, and what could be a better way to give her that then through a letter?!
