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Your soul is bound to the Rose Bud: The
Naive. "I keep all of my secrets somewhere inside
and though I haven't let myself shine to the
world, I'm good for something but too good to
give to you."
The Rose Bud is associated with innocence,
curiosity, and confidence. It is governed by
the god Cupid and its sign is The Dewdrop, or
Puppy Love. As a Rose Bud, you may have grand ideas about love
and you may well be inexperienced. You tend to
be optomistic, idealistic, and curious, but
it's just because you like being a positive
person. You also may have high thoughts of
yourself, and can come off a bit conceited, but
it's just a mask to hide your lack of

What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
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Congratulations! You're Legolas!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
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Good. You know your music. You should be able to
work at Championship Vinyl with Rob, Dick and

Do You Know Your Music (Sorry MTV Generation I Doubt You Can Handle This One)
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Sorry to disappoint, but the guy/girl you've been
following around for the past 14 years is NOT
your soulmate. however, u will someday find
someone as crazy as you, and will live happily
ever after.

Who's Your Soulmate?(with pics.)
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Mmmm, looks like you're a donut!
What Snack Food are You? (With Cool Pics!!)

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You are Ryan. Have had some problems but you are
getting better each day. You are shy and sweet.
You are easy to trust

What O.C. Character are you?
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What's your sexual appeal?
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you suck, and that's sad
you are the "you suck, and that's sad"
happy bunny. your truthful, but can be a bit

which happy bunny are you?
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Rose McGowan
You charming girl, you're Rose McGowan.

What sexy girl are you
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You're #1. You came about as a favorite number at
the point in time when I started listening to
"Eleanor Rigby" and "One is the
Loneliest Number" and thought they were
the coolest songs ever invented. You're
probably a bit of a loner.

Which of my favorite numbers are you?
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You are The Depressed One. Your wardrobe is full of nothing but depressing
black crap. You have too many piercings -
remove some. You are probably an art student
of some sort, which means you are either a)
Stupid b) as totally depressing and crazy as
you look, or c) gay. Most people who get this
result like to think they are unconventional.
Your not, your just an idiot. This site would appeal to you:>GO HERE ps: Lots of people left me insulting messages
saying how mean this was, but its just a joke
and you shouldnt take it so seriously. Lighten
up, all the other results are equally insulting
(go look if you don't beleive me). ~Mooncalf
(a goth)

The Insulting Personality Test
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jack and eliz on island
You are "Welcome to the Caribbean, love."
You're more than a little world-weary, but also
intelligent and you keep your head when things
get dodgy. You're everybody's favorite
drinking buddy, but your stubbornness does get
in the way sometimes.

Which one of Captain Jack Sparrow's bizarre sayings from Pirates of the Caribbean are you?
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The Princess Bride
I'm sure it's no big surprise to you that your
romance is The Princess Bride. A heartwarming
tale of "Twue Wuve" that has giants,
Spainards and swashbuckling. You really do
think that love can overcome anything. You may
be a touch naive but your heart is certainly in
the right place. You've probably got one of
those relationships where proper nouns have
been replaced with "Snookums" and
"Pookie Pie". Eww. Beware a cuteness

What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
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Legolas Orlando

What Orlando Bloom are You?
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When Doves Cry
"When Doves Cry" (by Prince) How could you just leave me standing, Alone in a world so cold? Maybe you're just too demanding. Maybe I'm just like my father--too bold. Maybe you're just like my mother. She's never satisfied. Why do we scream at each other? This is what it sounds like, When doves cry.

Which 80's Song Fits You?
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You are Beast! You are brilliant and extremely clever. You can
handle almost any problem swiftly and
efficiently. You are devoted to philosophy and
are always up for a good discussion.
Sometimes, though, your anger gets the best of
you and you upset those whom you care about.

Which X-Men character are you most like?
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You are Aurora from Sleeping Beauty!

What Disney Princess are you?
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Season = Spring
You're Most Like The Season Spring ... Fresh faced, with a young outlook on life - you
smile at the world and expect it to smile back
at you. You're mostly a bubbly, fun - innocent
person. Described as cute possibly. However,
you're a little naive about things and tend to
be a little too trustworthy. As the first season, It Makes you the youngest -
and so most immature - but people are inclined
to look out for and protect you. Well done... You're the most fun of the seasons :)

?? Which Season Are You ??
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?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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You are Psalms
You are Psalms.

Which book of the Bible are you?
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You represent... anger.
You represent... anger. Mad at the world, eh? You have a tendency to...
freak out easily. Overly emotional about
everything, you're most prone to bouts of
cruelty and moodiness. Other people may be
afraid of the fact that you explode so easily,
but at least you're honest... even if you're
honest about not liking anything.

What feeling do you represent?
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What type of bimbo are you?
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Kuzzah for you!!! You are a true Harry Potter fan,
and, I might add, like to pay special attention
to key points, whether or not they may appear
to be so. *claps* you've just scored brownie
points with me, one of the many hp freaks.....

How much do you know about Harry Potter? (Books 1-5)
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Kuzzah for you!!! You are a true Harry Potter fan,
and, I might add, like to pay special attention
to key points, whether or not they may appear
to be so. *claps* you've just scored brownie
points with me, one of the many hp freaks.....

How much do you know about Harry Potter? (Books 1-5)
brought to you by Quizilla

thoughtful fairy
you are a thoughtful fairy. you listen to your
friends problems and you make sure everyone
around you is satisfied. you write in your
diary and listen to music just to get away from
it all. you are beautiful inside and outside.

(has pretty pictures) what kind of fairy are you? (for gurls)
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Suicidal Bitch.   You are often alone. But sometimes you like it that way. It's your way of protecting yourself from gettin ghurt. STOP THAT! You are giving yourself unneeded pain and grief
SUICIDAL BITCH You are a depressed child. You need some laughter
in your life. Why, you ask? Cause that frown
don't look good on you, hun!

(results contain pictures) What type of bitch are you?
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DIRRTY!!! You are a fun and out-going person. You
love to parrty and get Dirrty. You dont mind
getting "close" with people, infact
you enjoy it. Short Skirts and Tight shirts is
your motto!

(W/ Pictures!!!) Which Christina Aguilera Song Are You!!!!
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Leader Loving Beautiful Sailor Moon
Congradulations, You are most like Sailor Moon! You are most likely very caring and surrounded by a
great deal of friends, you get along with
almost anyone and many are drawn to you. You
don't show it on the surface but you have some
great leadership qualities. People are very
important things in your life, but most of
these things are kept on the inside, most see
you as a ditz or airhead and may think of you
as a kluts, close friends will know otherwise.

*~Which Sailor Scout are you most like? (New Pictures)~*
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You are a person.

Are you a Poser, Punk, or Prep?(results contain Pictures)
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Ah! A true Tom fan! Congrats!

Are You A Tom Felton Fan? (Pictures)
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You aren't bad! Solid score, but you are not a
true Zelda fan!

Are you a true Zelda fan?(Pictures)
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You are beautifull... Every guy wants you and every
girl wants to be like you. Freeze your beauty
in time... so you can remain forever
beautifull. Visit

Are you beautiful? (New! with pictures)
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You don't care too much bout where you're going...
but you're going to heaven... if you care...

Are you going to heaven or hell?? ((now with pictures))
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U dumb blonds, often come out as the popular type.
And yes, little girl, you can be whatever you
want to be(as long as your daddy pays for it)

Can u be popular? With Pictures!
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Do you and your crush have a chance? (pictures!)

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Whats my age again? well with ur attiude it is hard 2 tell some times u act stupid(wanting to kill avril) n
sumtimes u act ur age

.:.:.:.:.:.: What blink-182 song r u?.:.:.:.:.:.:
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harry nilsson
You're Harry Nilsson ---Without
You're heartbroken and convinced that you can't
take another breath without the one you love.
You've probably even thought about suicide as a
solution to your hurt. You couldn't be more
wrong. Carry on. Prove to him/her and yourself
that you can live without him/her. Until then
though, stop shaving, if you have a headache
deal with it, and stay away from activities
that involve ropes.

Break-up songs. Which are you?
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My inner child is ten years old today

My inner child is ten years old!

The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
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Sun Goddess
Goddess of the Sun and there's no doubt that you
have a bright and cheery exterior!

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
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You are Form 3, Unicorn: The Innocent. "And The Unicorn knew she wasn't meant to
go into the Dark Wood. Disregarding the advice
given to her by the spirits, Unicorn went
inside and bled silver blood.. For her
misdeed, the world knew evil."
Some examples of the Unicorn Form are Eve
(Christian) and Pandora (Greek). The Unicorn is associated with the concept of
innocence, the number 3, and the element of
water. Her sign is the twilight sun. As a member of Form 3, you are a curious
individual. You are drawn to new things and
become fascinated with ideas you've never come
in contact with before. Some people may say
you are too nosey, but it's only because you
like getting to the bottom of things and
solving them. Unicorns are the best friends to
have because they are inquisitive.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
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You should be dating a Leo. 23 July - 22 August This mate is honest and loyal, with a sunny
disposition. Though this lion has the tendency
to be arrogant, sulky or smug, he/she is
unrestrained in bed.

What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
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You are MARLIN!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

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cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
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J. Lo
Ur more suttle in ur hair style. U might like to be
curly or have hair with volume.

Witch Hair style would you have.
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The ULTIMATE personality test
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GIRLY GIRL - Clever Kitty
A GIRLY-GIRL. You dont have a lot of self-esteem
and people are always bringing you down for
being sad. What do they know, anyway? You feel
like youre too mature for your age and are
frustrated by the trend-followers who refuse to
accept you because youre not like them. Your virtues: Intelligence, understanding nature,
modesty. Your flaws: Lack of social life, inferiority
complex, timidity.

What kind of girl are you?
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You're sweet and innocent on the outside but on the inside you're one wild horny bunny!
Congratulations! You're a Bunny Hug!!

What Drink Are You?
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your bitch.

What swear word are you?
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You are average! Maybe even smart!

What is your IQ?
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Sweet Dreams
"Sweet Dreams" (by Eurythmics) Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree? Travel the world and the seven seas Everybody's looking for something Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused

Which 80's Song Fits You?
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Your: Wondering eyes. Your not quite focused and your quite the day dreamer. Your a bit odd and as many say
Your: Wondering eyes. Your not quite focused and
your quite the day dreamer. Your a bit odd and
as many say "Your head is in the

What type of eyes do you have?
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Your element is Air. You are and artistic person
with a unique sense of style. You are
intelligent, constantly active and most likely
like to sing. Constantly moving the air is a
force of nature. One moment you can be a breeze
the next a tornado.

What's your element
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walmart yay!

what's YOUR deepest secret?
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Which PPG are you?

Which Sailor Scout are you?

Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.

Take the M&M's Test @ /~erin
Take the Greek Goddess Test @ Rasberry Rain

Click here to take the quiz!

You are the most universal mythical beast ever. Sightings of the unicorn have been reported from all over the world, even in these modern times. Unicorns are pure and incurruptible. In China, unicorns symbolised gentleness, good will, and wisdom. Christianity links the unicorn with Christ. It is said that unicorns would only allow virgin girls to see them, let alone touch them. They were easily lured into fatal ambushes by a virgin with some potchers waiting for the unicorn in nearby bushes. A unicorn's horn was a highly prised possesion, which was reputed to have great healing capabilities. With the touch of its horn, a unicorn could bring back a person who had been dead for several hours. But when disattached from the unicorn's body, the magic was suggnificantly reduced and could only protect against poison. The unicorn had the body of a horse, a unique spirling horn, and a lion's tail. They were pure white in color. Congradulations, you are a rarity amoung mythical beasts. There aren't enough of people like you in the world.
What mythical beast best represents you? Take the quiz!

Which Avril Lavigne Song Are You?

Which HP Kid Are You?

Which Smallville character are you?

Which Smallville character are you?

Which "Natural Wonder" are you?

what adjective are you?
quiz by maikamariel

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What lesser-known Simpsons character are you?
Brought to you by the good folks at

discover what candy you are @

Take the test, by Emily.

Which Spice Girl Are You?

click to find out who you are from bsb!

Take the "What *NSYNC Hairstyle are you?" Quiz

You are Melissa Etheridge!
You are natural and down-to-earth, what you see is what you get.
You don't pull any punches, and your honesty and integrety shine
through in every thing you do. People value your straightforward
manner and mellow attitude.

What type of artist are you?

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find your inner PIE @

Strawberry: 50/100 Pear: 20/100 Banana: 30/100 Tomato: 20/100 Lemon: 5/100

Take the What Fruit Are You? test by Ellen and Aaron!

be potato.

I'm Rachel Green from Friends!
Take the Friends Quiz here.
created by stomps.

which song describes you the best?

What *N SYNC song are you?
Quiz by Sarah and Heather

Love-a-Lot Bear
You love to take care of others and people love being around you because you make them feel appreciated. You are very sweet and soft-spoken. You are also a romantic and consider yourself an excellent matchmaker, so you tend to be a bit nosy. But everyone still considers you the sweetest person they know.

Who's your inner singer-songwriter?
Take the quiz!

What swear word are you?

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Which Season are you?

Click here to find out what element YOU are!

You are Fozzie!
Wokka Wokka! You love to make lame jokes. Your sense of humor might be a bit off, but you're a great friend and can always be counted on.

Find out what anime series you belong in.

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?

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Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?

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What Sign of Affection Are You?

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Which guy are you destined to have sex with?

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What kind of typical high school character from a movie are you?

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What Kind of FLIRT are you?

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What's YOUR sexual fetish?

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What Kind of Virgin Are You?

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Who are you most likely to fuck

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What annoying Celebrity would you most likely wanna kill?

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* Which Tragic Shakespearean Heroin are You? *

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Which male HP character are you most compatible with?

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Harry Potter: Which Hogwarts professor would you be?

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Which female sex symbol are you?

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What kind of porno would you star in?

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What kind of fairy are you?

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What Color Eyes Should You Have?

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Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?

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Why Will You Go To Hell?

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Why Will You Go To Hell?

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What sexy girl are you

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what fucked version of hello kittie are you?

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The Ultimate *Which Harry Potter Character are You?* Quiz

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Do You have an eating disorder?

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What box do you get put in?

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What's your brand of sexy?

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What's Your Bedroom Personality? (For Her)

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How Emotional Are You?

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What's Your Personality Type?

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How can I label you?

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Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?

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Where Did Your Soul Originate?

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You are an angel.
What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox

So which letter of the alphabet matches YOUR personality, huh?

I'm a......

Take Squiggle UK's 'Are you addicted to online tests' test

If I were a Neopet... I'd be a Pteri!

You can often find Pterii nesting high in the treetops of Tyrannia.

They like nothing better than playing tricks on passers by and filling the air with the squawking laughter.
Which Neopet are you?
Which Neopet are you? Click here to find out!

Which Angel would you be?

Which Angel would you be?

take the antisocial test.
and go to because laura's feeling social.

Are you NASTY or NICE?
Quiz made by Angela

Which Rainbow Brite kid are you? By Growing.

Imma cute water pixie~!

Stalk bunnywunny_~!

I'm partailly blonde!!
I am a fridge!
what kitchen utensil are YOU?

You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.

Find out your color at!

I took the McDonalds test, and guess what I got?

You can take the McDonalds Product Test by Matio64 here!

Which Lion King Character Are You?
Created by CrazyCoasterCo.

What Pattern Are You?

What Natural Disaster are you? Take the quiz!

I'm getting there. I don't suck, but I've got a ways to go.

You are a romantic writer. You're ALWAYS writing
about some significant other--about lacking
one, about wanting one, about having one, about
being with one--it doesn't matter. If it
involves even a tiny ounce of love, you're
there! Much into the works of Christina
Rossetti and the works of Alfred Tennyson, you
are a bit of a classical writer as well....but,
for the sake of all things cheesy, you're more
of a hopeless romantic than a classical writer.
You write whatever comes to mind--which usually
involves a significant other. ^^; Oh well. If
literary geniuses don't do it, who will, right?

What's YOUR Writing Style?
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Water Goddess
Water Goddess. You like peace and serenity and are
usually content with life.
sweetiepie88262 got their Neopet at

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
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Pink info
Your Heart is Pink

What Color is Your Heart?
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You're the sad smile,the one that regrets nearly
everything and is constantly wondering about
what could have been.You're not happy with your
situation and usually blame yourself because of
the bad things that have happened.Cheer up.

What Kind of Smile are You?
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You see the would in Red, Green, and Blue
Red/Green/Blue: To you, the world is logical. Everything happens
for a reason, life is scientific. You like to
find solutions. I doubt you needed to take this
quiz in order to realize this.

What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla
You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.

What kind of kiss are you?
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Giger Ale
Ginger Ale---You are not very interesting, but can
get a little excited over stuff... drink
yourself... ;)

Which Soft Drink Are You?
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white rose you are not entirely into the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing you are much more laid back and just prefer to be

what color rose are you?
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Your a ceasar salad- brainy and very predictable,
you stand your ground and you always think your

What kind of salad are you?
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blow them away
You'd blow them up

How would you kill someone
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too big

(results contain pictures) What kind of ANIME BOOBS do you have?
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You're Sensitive and you'd like to stay that way..
-Sensitive- You're Sensitive, and you'd like to
stay that way. Sorry,listened to a bit too much
Jewel there. You're sweet and very emotionally
charged. You definitely love the person you're
with, and always want to know how they're
feeling so you can make sure they're happy.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
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you have for urself a pure thug...damn they are the

What kind of Boy friend do you need?
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breast implants!

what's YOUR deepest secret?
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What's your sexual appeal?
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I am punk music!!
Rock on, dude! You are Punk music!

What type of music are you?
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You are pink. You are in limbo. Not pure and manipulated like white, not impure and noble like red. You are unsure of your real identity, but whatever you chose it to be, you can be it. That is your power. You change everyone you touch, and everyone remembers you. In literature, pink represents the place between heaven and hell. You are the one we will never forget.

What inner color are you?

MOVE to Last Vegas!! You're not going to be in a
band. You're going to be a Go-Go dancer! That
way you can listen to all that crap all through
the show!!!

What kind of band should you belong to?
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your ideal mate is Legolas!

Who is your Ideal Lord of the Rings (male) Mate?
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Bellosom. You are kind and generous... Although if someone gets in your way you pound 'em up. Did i mention your pretty and cute?
You are kind and generous... Although if someone
gets in your way you pound 'em up

Which Pokemon are you? Huh? Answer ME!
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What Type of Villain are You? / <º>

find your element at <º>

Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at [Angel.]

Take the What Type of Friend are You? quiz, and visit [Me.]

Take the Desert Creatures Test!

According to the Alien Abduction Test There is a 68% chance that I've been abducted by Aliens!
I'm Desire!
Which Member of the Endless Are You?

You Are A Changeling
Take the World of Darkness Quiz
by David J Rust

Which tarot card are you?

Which Evil Criminal are You?
You are a Sorceress!

Take the "How Do You Use Magic?" test! Written by Brimo

What Kind of Jump are You? ~ The Horse Luvers

What lame pick up line are you?

You are Fantasyland, home of the Sleeping Beauty's Castle, Peter Pan's Flight, Pinocchio's Daring Journey, and many more storybook rides! You love all things that have to do with love, romance, fairy tales, and magic!
Which Disneyland land are you?

Superman Ultimate Flight
Superman: Ultimate Flight

What Roller Coaster Are You?
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Moulin Rouge

Which Movie are you?
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Ah, Tough Legolas
Tough Legolas

What Lord of the Rings Male and Mood Do You Desire?
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you are "the heroine", you kick ass chick
you. if you're a guy and you got this, buff up
a little hey?

What fairy tale cliche are you?
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How evil are you?

Are you Addicted to the Internet?
51% (41% - 60%)
You seem to have a healthy balance in your life when it comes to the internet and life away from the computer. You know enough to do what you want online without looking like an idiot (most of the time). You even have your own Yahoo club or online journal! But you enjoy seeing your friends and going out to enjoy life away from your computer.

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at!
