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Puppy Dogs

Hello, and welcome to my webpage! This is a webpage dedicated to dogs all around the world. Please feel free to sign the guestbook and leave any comments you see neccessary. I look forward to hearing them! Please tkae your time and look around! Enjoy! Please visit our News Page to get an update on what's going on in the doggy world. New features currently added to the site, are our Guestbook and Illness page. Please visit our guestboook. Comments and suggestions are always welcome! Our Illness page is where you can find out if yoor pet is showing any odd behavior. Symptoms to many diseases and what happpens during them can be found on this page.
Softie!What a trio!
Toasty Warm under all of that fur!Ready when you are!
Ahhh, now this is good!*Tilts head..*
My Favorite Pups

Rescue Page

Disabled Dogs

Illness Page


En Français

Toronto German Shepherd Adoption

UK Dog Adoptions and Rehoming

Blind Dog Adoption Listings

JoyceFay Breed Rescue

Check back for more when possible!