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Hey there!! Welcome to my site! I have got sooo MUCH on my site compared to before! I started about 2 or 3 months ago. I will have alot of time to add some awesome stuff since exams and ringette are over!! Well so far I've got a little info on myself and my best-friends along with pictures of me and some of my friends and alt codes, msn names, quotes, poems. Ill try to put alot of things. And pics of HOT punk guys/bands, lyrics... Whatever I seem to find, lol. Just browse the content index to your left and view whatever tickles you fancy.

*Later Days*

» who am i?: my names steph but my friends call me waffy. im 14. red hair, green eyes. im into music, mostly punk, emo, ska and matel. whatever

»loves: internet, socializing, shopping, red, pink, black nail polish, sleeping, love, kissing, cuddling, writing, horses, money, toe rings, christmas, swimming, opinions, ranting, guys, late nights, nice people, ringette, hockey, stud bracelets and belts, spike bracelets, black hair, piercing, tatoos, rain, bob the builder, clifford the big red dog, bob the builder, black magic, good charlotte.

»hates: racism, sexism, hunting, rednecks, spiders, reptiles, bugs, two-faced people, lies, alarm clocks, snow, brussell sprouts, mean people, puking, vodka, britney, avril, when your foot falls asleep, pills, school, rap, wiggers, tomatoes, ognions, nelly, light.

Month Of April

AMAZING concert!
2:08pm | Friday, April 20th
Holay shit! The concert was so amazing. When we were in line, it was already like a mosh pit. People were pushing and throwing food around, open water bottles, open pop cans, apples.. Anything! People were getting pegged in the head with water bottles and getting soaked. It was crazy. When they openned the doors, every was running to them in a big crowd so u couldn't move, u could only go with the crowd. This really hot guy was behind me and we were smushed together forever and his hands were on my ass ;) No problems there! haha! Well, the openning band was The Getaway, a local toronto band. I was stuck in a mosh pit dying!! So I decided to leave. Then Less Than Jake came on, they were alrite. Then it was Good Charlotte!! I moved my way back into the mosh pit and jumped my ass off! GC was AMAZING! Everyone was into it, waving their arms everything, jumping it was great. The minute I saw Billy, I cried. Can you believe that!? I'm like in love with him. He was so sexy last nite in his red and black suit, I wanted to rape him! After GC it was NFG, but I don't really like them too much so I left. But I had a great time! I bought a GC shirt and I saw my friend Tom I haven't seen since the summer :)

Good Charlotte Concert
4:15pm | Friday, April 18
Tomorrow I'm going to the NFG, GC and Less Than Jake concert. Ok yes, my layout is GC, i'm not obsessed with them I just like them. I couldn't fine a Less Than Jake layout and I'm not too crazy about NFG. I just can't wait for the concert cuz I'll be so close to my baby Billy. I'll be able to touch, kiss and feel him breathe! IM GOING TO CRY! He is my obsession and were gonna FUCK! haha I'll rape him I swear. WHoo hoo billy penis! And my friends can rape Benji. Benji's hot too, but BILLY!!! *drool* Nothing beats Billy man! Well I've never seen Less Than Jake so I dunno if their hot. No one is hot in NFG! So yea..! Touch my Billy.. ILL KILL YOU! =) I'll send you a postcard from the concert!