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Hello everyone! We are happy to welcome you to WWAUS Teach Me PSP Committee.This committee has grown by leaps and bounds and we couldn't be happier. We are having so much fun and hope that you will join us.

We have created several different class levels to teach our wonderful WWAUS members all about Paint Shop Pro. We have tons of great stuff for Beginners who have just purchased Paint Shop Pro, for Advanced users who have been creating great graphics but would still like to learn more, and for the Old Pro's who just can't get enough Paint Shop Pro tutorials to work on.

Our committee is very flexible. You don't need a website to join us. And you don't have to have tons of time.  We know everyone has a real life and that some things are more important than psp.; We also make sure that any questions that you have during your classes are answered as fast as possible. We have a terrific staff of wonderful ladies who are always ready to help.

So if you're interested come on inside and look around. Just click the map link below. We truly look forward to having you join us.