Way2GoTravels.com -- Pete & Sherry's Trip to Southeast Asia - October 31/st.
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Map of Southeast Asia plus a photograph of Sherry and Pete hiking in the Pacific Northwest.

Sherry and Pete go to Southeast Asia

     October 31/st., 2005 is the day we leave Vancouver, BC for Southeast Asia. It'll be a real treat to fly out of the rain and grey and cold weather to a land in which heat and humidity are the order of the day. Our rental home in Shoreline, WA was a real retreat, but being that it was in the busyness of Seattle, it was very hard to not feel the rush and crush of the place. Still, we're headed to Bangkok and Phnom Penh and Ho Chi Minh City, so we know that there's going to be plenty of that, only that it'll be in very exotic locales.
Sherry and Pete 'fatted-up' before their trip to Southeast Asia - CLIX-PIX any of the lime border photos for enlargements!
 Pete & Sherry on deck of parent's house on Galiano Island. Clix Pix
     We'll have a flight of almost 13 hours to Shanghai, China and then wait at the Pu Dong Airport for three hours and 50 minutes. From there, we'll have the final leg of the trip and arrive in Bangkok, Thailand at 1:20 AM after a just over 4 hour flight. The airline will be China Eastern Airlines, and by some accounts, this is a proficient enough means of air conveyance even if the food is described as 'iffy'. This will mark the beginning of our adventure in Southeast Asia and our probable exploration of three countries including Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. Though our time here has a return ticket for partway into a week of December, we do hope to pack as much travel as is possible into these five weeks ahead of us.
     Our plan is to stay in and around Bangkok for the first few days while we apply and wait for our visas to Cambodia and Vietnam. Hopefully, we'll get to the beach areas to the south and then head north to investigate some of the hiking trails that can be enjoyed inland. Our main intent is to go to Vietnam, but we might as well explore Thailand and Cambodia as much as possible. Perhaps, we'll even attempt a cross-over of Burma and Laos; we'll just have to see how things are as we're going to devise our travel plans day by day.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Oct.30 Oct.31          
    1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 Dec.1 Dec.2 Dec.3

     This calendar begins for us on October 31/st., 2005. This is our departure date and the last date on the calendar is Dec. 3/rd. which is our arrival time in Vancouver, BC. We'll be gone the whole month of November plus the 1 - 3 days either side of the month. Each date on the calendar will be a clickable link to the diarized account of our adventures in Southeast Asia. UPDATE: Our return to Vancouver was actually on November 23/rd. in the morning, even though we had arrived in Shanghai that morning and had a 7 hour stopover - this marks the end of our adventures in Southeast Asia; but, we will return for more!

*  Note : Underlined calendar dates and text in the color lime are hyperlinked!

** Note : Mousing over digital photographs adds captionized text.

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